Add Multiple Email Signatures
As I use my email for work and play, it would be nice to have the option of multiple email signatures as found in Outlook or Gmail help separate lifestyles

Thank you for writing in.
We have placed this feature request “Under Review” and we will update the status at a later date when we have made a decision whether to move forward or not.
Thank you for your continuing feedback and support for Nimble!
Best regards,
Clinton David Skakun commented
This is obviously a huge need for Nimble users. We're working on launching a new tool to combat this problem. Let us know what you think. You can get all of the details here:
Multiple HTML/Rich text templates that allow for inserting fields like first_name, last_name, etc.
Alan commented
developers never thought that multiple signatures would be required for multiple email address accounts?
Nick commented
looks like this has been under consideration for nearly 2 years! come on guys we are with you because you were cutting edge but the more I use this product the more barriers I'm finding.
Andrew Zino commented
Nimble masters ... any feedback on this? Best
Anonymous commented
Augghh...Can't believe this STILL hasn't been done!
PAB commented
I have more than one activity... please do something quickly !
I also need picture and more format options -
Leanne commented
We are trailing Nimble currently and would find this feature essential if we are to go ahead and continue to use it. Please consider adding this crucial feature.
Anonymous commented
For my's critical to have multiple signature...without it, makes doing email communication unmanageable.
Anonymous commented
Hi, is this possibility solved in Nimble now ? I mean is there any update on this yet ?
Graham Jones commented
It would be much better perhaps to liaise with WiseStamp so that their email signatures could be incorporated. This makes signatures consistent across Gmail, Outlook etc and avoids duplicate work.
Kevin commented
Please add this!
Anonymous commented
Yes, we need this too... we use and love GM since 1999 (whaooo, nearly 15 years) and we've just discovered Nimble. We try to understand if we can find 98% of our good old GM functions in Nimble. Multiple signature is needed.
adrian commented
I also want to be able to have a simple text based signature and one that contains pictures. I would like an option to use several different signatures. One is no way near enough.
Zak Spee commented
Yes, this is also an essential for many that use multiple email accounts in the one Nimble account, it would be very easy to implement, you already have the save signature in the setup, just need to allocate a separate signature to each email account that the user set up, very basic stuff to implement.