Sync with Google Tasks
Sync "task" activities with Google Tasks...

Anonymous commented
Just do it. Why not??? You Sync with Contacts in google
Asha commented
I would love if nimble tasks would sink with Google calendar and/or Google Tasks. Is there another way to get your Nimble tasks to pop up on your phone?
Whitney Hill commented
Please include tasks....My tasks and my calendar go together. Right now you are calling Google events, Google tasks...this is confusing as well.
Martin Brossman commented
I want the nimble task to sync with Google calender and show up on the Nimble app.
Clinton David Skakun commented
I'm once again looking at building a Google Tasks / Nimble sync and I'd like to get your input on this.
We're offering a $15/mo package. However, in order to get this completely built I need some more feedback from all of you on what you need from this plugin.
Jason commented
If you're syncing with tasks, make sure there's a way to manage and automate tasks. Ive put together a short list of some of the programs that automate tasks creation or have a template of a set list of activities based on days from last interaction or days since first interaction.
Lynette commented
You guys have a video about how to use the Activities tab that says that Nimble automatically syncs with Google and vice verse. You may want to reword the video or take out that part, it's a little misleading:
Clinton David Skakun commented
Take a look at my attempt to fix this problem:
Laurence commented
Please can you update us on this?
Paul commented
is there any update regarding syncing with Google Calendar?
Morten F. Thomsen commented
To be honest, Nimble becomes quite useless as a follow-up tool without the ability to sync tasks with e.g. Google Tasks, or other to-do tools like etc.
At least make it possible through API's so others can make a sync-app on your behalf.
Anonymous commented
Please add sync to Google calendar
Anonymous commented
Any update on this? It is the only major flaw with Nimble
Anonymous commented
Hey Joseph,
It has been a year since your previous message about Google Task integration. Any news. This is key for us. Currently we have two competing task management systems and the other one does integrate with Google Tasks.
Hopefully you can just respond to say it is available already and I am just a hack?
Anonymous commented
I like this to-do list, but it is completely useless if it does not sync, preferably with google calendar/tasks
Joel commented
Tasks need to sync with Google Calendar as a matter of priority ( much more widely used than Google Tasks, if it still exists), and with other task managers, e.g. Trello, ToDoist. Thanks
Brendon Hansford commented
This just needs to happen as soon as possible... or Anton is right: a app that support task and events would be great????
Anton commented
If Nimble had a decent iPhone/iPad app, I could live without syncing Nimble tasks with Google Tasks. But as it stands now, the iPhone/iPad app is nothing more than an address book. As a result, once Nimble users leave their desktops and are on the go, they enter complete darkness in terms of projects, tasks and messages associated with each contact.
Maybe Nimble should explain to its users how they use Nimble while on the go...
Kevin Barenblat commented
Since Nimble already syncs events with Google Calendar, one solution would be to simply add tasks to Google Calendar as an all-day event if that's easier than syncing with Google Tasks. This is what Asana does.
Anonymous commented
Tasks are critical to my business.
Really needed