Improve ease of contacting someone with fewer clicks
The send-message drop down in the contact bar next to Edit, Add Activity, etc. on a Contact's page, should instead be a Send icon (or small text) with the icons of GMail, FB, Twitter, etc. on it. This way, I can send a message with one click instead of two. Also, I should be able to have the same option to contact someone in the search results without going to their contact page first. That's another click saved. And if you had auto-complete in the search, with their name as well as a Message... or Action... link in the dropdown, people could click the Message action in the autocomplete and a popup could let them further refine which network to use to contact them (or another action, like viewing profile, or email history, etc.)

We are going to stick with the drop-down menu for sending messages across multiple networks for now. Our main reasoning is that we want to reduce the number of buttons from the menu on contact records.
Thank you for your feedback and support.
Best regards,