Filter Contacts' TAGS like a multiple choice for instantaneous results
I know that a specific search can be done in Advanced but it's more cumbersome and I'm always looking for different combinations of tags so to do an advanced search and save the specific tag combinations isn't feasible nor is it "nimble". Whereas give us the ability to just click on the tags like a multiple choice a la carte list would be outstanding and a great time saver. All of the tags are already listed on the right hand side of the screen. Just give us the ability to click on multiple ones to create our "AND" search. Please? Please?

Thank you for your feedback regarding tag selection in Nimble. We are placing this feature under review for now.
For the time being, you can run an advanced search on multiple tagged groups to bring them into view.
We will update this thread as soon as we have an update on what our Product team decides to do with tag selection in Nimble.
Best regards,