defualt contact field values
This has been said before by others, but it is extremely annoying to have the default phone category set to "home fax". None of my contacts has a home fax. The default should be set to "work" for a business CRM. And same goes for email and address, both are set to "home" by default. all of these should be set to "work" by default if the default can't be set by the user. Until then, it means that every contact entered requires extra effort.
Hi Doug,
We just released an update today to fix this issue, but we chose “Main” to be the primary field value for Phone numbers.
Here’s the new hierarchy we have for field values:
Phone modifiers in this order:
1. Main
2. Work
3. Mobile
4. Home
5. Work Fax
6. Home Fax
7. Other
Email modifiers
1. Work
2. Personal
3. Other
Address modifier
1. Work
2. Home
3. Other
If you have any questions, please write back to me at and I’ll be happy to help.
Best regards,