Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
If you have an urgent question about your account or implementing a feature, please write us directly at or tweet us at We are available M-F from 9-5 Pacific.
413 results found
Show all contacts without a tag
I'd be nice to filter out all contacts without a tag so that we could easily add tags to those lacking them.
19 votes -
Remove tags from a subset of tagged contacts
Allow me to remove tags from contacts that exist as a subset of a larger tagged group.
For example, search for contacts tagged with "Twitter" and the tag "Los Angeles".
Allow me to remove the "Twitter" tag from all contacts that also have the "Los Angeles" tag.
18 votes -
Enable "Same as company address" option for contact
By Raja Selvam
I create a company. Now, when we add users, we have to again enter the address for each user. We should have an option of either fetching the company address by default when I mention the company name in the user page or have a small check box to say "Same as company address" so that the company address is copied to the individual user address feilds.
Same with User's work website that can be as same as his company.
18 votes -
Improve contact import from email (batching, better scraping of info from signatures)
Importing contact info from emails is a nice feature, but currently very limited. In order to make it awesome, it needs the following:
Add an easy way to batch process emails which are not yet attached to contacts. I'd like a screen where I can see all the people I've received emails from or who were CCed on emails who are NOT yet contacts in Nimble, so I can check which ones I want to import.
Try to intelligently scrape information from a contact's signature, such as Full Name, address, phone number, etc. to add to the contact record.
17 votesHi Tim,
This is another great feature suggestion and we are putting it under review. We will share more information in the future when we have more to share.
Best regards,
-The Nimble Team
integration with google places/map
Like to see all of my contacts and companies on an interactive map, wouldn't you?
17 votes -
Update "last contacted" of company when contacting one of their employees
When contacting a user who works in a company, the "last contacted" section updates only for him and not for the company. I think it should update automatically, or at least give the option to do so.
17 votes -
Contacts need middle initial, suffix and prefix
Need to add fields for middle initials, suffix's and prefix's, when you work with people with multiple given names and certain titles, it's important to address them appropriately. combining these names into fields reserved for first or last name just doesn't cut it when every other contact management software we use breaks those out. thanks.
16 votes -
let "Log touch" update "last contacted", or make it possible to manually update last contacted.
let "Log touch" update "last contacted", or make it possible to manually update last contacted.
13 votes -
be able to copy an e-mail from a contact
We send our e-mails from Outlook and are copying the e-mails from Nimble many times every day. In the old days when I clicked on the e-mail part before @ it opened in my preferred e-mail program (Outlook) and when I clicked on the latter part it opened the URL and the homepage of the company.
Could we have that back?
12 votes -
Would like to lookup - then export - only specific data fields. Currently we have to edit extraneous data that is exported.
Custom lookup and export
12 votesHi Tom,
That is a great suggestion, I have put this suggestion under review.
Filter by filter and tag, sort by lead
I think that the experience with nimble will greatly increase if the following options would be improved:
- filter by tag and filter
- ability to sort by lead and lead status
- fix the choice for sorting as a defaultThanks guys!
11 votes -
Add the delete/merge buttons at the bottom of contact list as well
Right now, if I go through my list to delete unwanted people, I need to scroll all the way back up to find the Delete button, as well as other buttons such as merge etc.
Why not put them on the bottom.. or better yet, have it on the side sliding by to follow my viewport on the screen?
11 votes -
Add sort feature to all contact columns
It would be fantastic to have the option to sort contacts by lead type, lead status, and phone number.
11 votes -
Track referrals!
I would love to be able to link contacts in a referee <-> referrer relationship!
11 votes -
Contacts tab - List View display more than 30 contacts
By: Jose Antonio Ribeiro Neto
Sometimes for easy operation, could be very interesting show a little more users per page.
Nimble shows only 30 per page.
It'd be great if Nimble can show more.
10 votesHi,
For now, we are not going to show more than 30 contacts per page in Nimble.
If this feature receives an overwhelmingly large amount of votes, we will reconsider, but this is our decision for now.
Best regards,
Better and preferably Superior search Functionality
Search functionality stinks. The search in the top right window would be better as a catch all. If I type in a name that has a middle initial it will not show up: IE type in John Smith and if the individual has a middle initial IE John K. Smith, he will not propagate; this is a must fix/must get it right in my opinion. Not locating contacts is a non-starter. You should also not have to go to an advanced search function in this situation. This seems to be market standard on every other contact list I have ever…
9 votes -
Flag deleted contacts so that they don't get re-added when re-synching social profiles.
I am often deleting contacts that come from my social networks, but when I resynch to get new contacts, these old deleted ones get added back in. There should be a way to either 1) flag the deleted contacts so they don't get added back in or 2) have a navigation screen that displays all of the updated contacts since last synch and asks for our approval on an one by one basis.
9 votes -
Filter Contacts' TAGS like a multiple choice for instantaneous results
I know that a specific search can be done in Advanced but it's more cumbersome and I'm always looking for different combinations of tags so to do an advanced search and save the specific tag combinations isn't feasible nor is it "nimble". Whereas give us the ability to just click on the tags like a multiple choice a la carte list would be outstanding and a great time saver. All of the tags are already listed on the right hand side of the screen. Just give us the ability to click on multiple ones to create our "AND" search. Please?…
9 votesHi,
Thank you for your feedback regarding tag selection in Nimble. We are placing this feature under review for now.
For the time being, you can run an advanced search on multiple tagged groups to bring them into view.
We will update this thread as soon as we have an update on what our Product team decides to do with tag selection in Nimble.
Best regards,
Limit Company Contacts
Nimble should only create a company contact if there are two or more contacts working under it, otherwise it gets to cluttered with one-off companies.
9 votes -
Group Notes
It would be great to be able to add a GROUP NOTE. That is create a specific note and include it in the time line of multiple contacts.
Thanks, John
9 votes
- Don't see your idea?