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134 results found

  1. Gmail folder assignment support

    I love the near* seamless integration with Gmail in the system. However I utilize many sub folders to organize my emails and I would love to be able to switch over to using Nimble only, vs keeping both nimble and my email open. As it stands, should i receive invoices as an example I have to open my webmail to assign the email including the invoice to the invoices folder i have set up rather than doing it directly in Nimble.

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  2. have the function to declare an e-mail as SPAM.

    It would be great to be able to declare an e-mail as Spam when received, to take advantage of Google´s Spam filter.

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  3. Customer history stream by "from" and "to" and not by subject

    Please add mails to the customer history by the "from" and "to" field. NOT by the subject.

    In addition to that, it would be great being able to exclude and include individual mails manually.

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  4. group messaging

    The group messaging feature is great but very limiting given that if I open to see what I sent out (from the group message section) it then reads that as an "open". Also, when you go to the contact it doesn't indicate whether it was opened, click through. No bounce back tracking. Right now, it's barely a step above manual tracking. When I've inquired, I've been told that these issues are recognized and in process, but no idea when. These are enough of an issue with volume to make me change from Nimble to another CRM, whether I want to…

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  5. Email Formatting Toolbar

    It would be great if there was an option to change the Text Colour and Text Background Colour when writing emails on the Email Formatting Toolbar.

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  6. E-mail personalization capabilities

    Add more personalization capabilities to email. Such as formatting and far more fonts that are currently available! Also make the email viewer window larger so we can see our entire email without having to scroll through the whole damn thing. You never now what it's really going to look like until you preview it! Thanx!

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  7. Add a salutation field for group messages

    It is great that Nimble now has a group messaging funktion. Unfortunately it is practically useless because there is no possibilty to add individualized salutations (e.g. Dear Maggie vs. Dear Ms. Newclient) to an email template.

    There is a workaround by using the Title field to store individual salutations but then there is no place to store the title.

    So please add a standard field to the standard contact info and make it possible to use this field as a merge tag in group messages. This would be especially usefull when using Nimble in any other language than English.

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  8. Enable "delete, view next message" functionality while in inbox

    While in the inbox, hitting delete should take you to the next message rather than back to the inbox list.

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    We do not plan on making any further modifications to the messages tab right now.

    If this feature receives enough votes, we will open it for consideration again.

    Thank you for your feedback and support.

    Best regards,


  9. Require admin approval for creating domain-owner contacts

    We would like to share all customer correspondence across the company - all other emails should in principle be left private for each user.

    Since all messages for a contact are being stored with each contact, I would strongly suggest to require admin approval before accepting creation of owners domain contacts - ie. I can delete my companys internal contacts every now and then, but they will reappear every time someone syncs their social network. Thus, in order to maintain client correspondence sharing, while not allowing everyone in the company to access each others whole inbox, I need to ensure,…

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    Thank you for writing in today.

    Our privacy features in Nimble focus on message privacy for now. By default, all of your team member messages will be private, even if you share the same contacts on your social networks and in Nimble.

    The only way you will be able to see a team members’ messages will be if they set their messages to Public in Nimble’s settings or on an individual message thread.

    If you have any questions, please email us at, we’re always happy to help!

    Best regards,


  10. Guys, you gotta fix the text editor. This is job 1. Come-on!!!

    Let me edit text and fonts please. I can't believe that a product this mature has no text editor? I need to send 1:1 emails and I need to manage fonts size and type and do some basic formatting.

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    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    For now, we don’t intend to add a rich text editor into Nimble for sending quick messages.

    We may re-open this feature if we receive more requests, but for now, I recommend using an outside source to send messages if text is important.

    I know that this is probably not what you wanted to hear, but I hope our honesty helps.

    Best regards,


  11. Allow for individual message tracking the same as group messages.

    Being able to track message status when sending to a group is great. However, this should be a function available to individual messages as well.

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  12. be able to add a Merge Tag into the Subject line of a template

    Would like to be able to add a merge tag into the subject line of a email template.

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  13. mail notifications

    Hi ,
    Im loving using nimble but would suggest an alert when a new email arrives. I find that whilst working on other things inside nimble that I dont realize I have new mail therefore some pop up notification would be helpful

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  14. Add ability to email all contacts connected to an event

    The event function is nice, but needs a lot more functionality. It would be great if I could send the same email to everyone connected to an event, but without them seeing each other, and being able to autofill a fields like "Last Name".

    What I mean is, I want to create an email that looks like this:

    To [First Name] [Last Name],

    Thank you for speaking at the upcoming event in [location] on [Date]...

    And then in the "To" field, instead of choosing individual contacts, I could choose events by name and it would send this message to each…

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    At the current moment, we do not plan on adding the ability to send messages from a calendar event.

    Depending on how many votes this feature receives, we may revisit adding it to Nimble. For now, we do not plan on adding this feature in 2013.

    Thank you for your feedback and support!

  15. Hello, can you save and sync draft emails and/or messages at this time? If not, please add!

    Hello, can you save and sync draft emails and/or messages at this time? If not, please add!

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  16. allow template emails to be sharable in the same company between users.

    Consistent voice in a company is really important. If many people want to, say send information on advertising to potential clients, them marketing would want to write the template and have all assocciates use the same ones.

    It would also be nice if links carried over from cut and pastes, which they don't.

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  17. A way to short messages by date, subject or sender

    it will be nice if we can short messages by date, subject or sender

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  18. Twitter Conversations

    Be able to actually see the previous conversation above the twitter messages so that you can remember what you actually said in the first instance! :) I'm forever seeing a tweet msg to me and wondering what they are on about thus having to leave Nimble to see the original tweet IDEALLY you'd be able to see the whole conversation;)

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  19. unread

    Add Unread email filter to message screen. The current chronological list for email is not very useful. I have to troll back many screens to see unread email I know is back there somewhere. Without unread filter I find the email list unusable and am forced away from Nimble back to my email client more than I'd like. I assume Nimble isn't suppossed to replace email - but having the email list the way it is now just falls too sort of useful. I end up doing my work in gmail, remembering a contact then coming to nimble, searching for…

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  20. wise stamp

    many times I have to send email from gmail, out from nimble because of the email signature, I cannot build a similar sing to mine at gmail, with the nimble editor.
    I propose the integration with wise stamp, so it is posible to share the same signature:


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