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134 results found

  1. Twitter Conversations

    Be able to actually see the previous conversation above the twitter messages so that you can remember what you actually said in the first instance! :) I'm forever seeing a tweet msg to me and wondering what they are on about thus having to leave Nimble to see the original tweet IDEALLY you'd be able to see the whole conversation;)

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  2. 4 votes

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  3. Have the ability to schedule when messages are sent.

    Maybe I dont want my contact to know that I sent them a message at 3am. Maybe I want to look like I sent it at 9am.

    I'd really love to have this feature!

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  4. Support pop3 accounts

    POP3 accounts need to be supported, we only have pop3, so how do i link my email to Nimble?

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  5. allow users to pre-schedule emails to be sent (and must work with email tracking)

    This is a must have for any CRM system. This feature is disabled in Gmail after enabling email tracking for some strange reason...

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  6. A way to short messages by date, subject or sender

    it will be nice if we can short messages by date, subject or sender

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  7. 4 votes

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  8. Show the number of unread emails in the Inbox

    Even if you are not planning to build an unread message filter into the email client (which would be great), at least please add an indicator as to how many unread messages there are.

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  9. Allow bulk importing of contacts from the Messages tab

    I'm a journalist and get at least 20 pitches a day via email. I would like to add these contacts to my nimble account, but doing it one by one takes a lot of time. My idea is to allow bulk importing of email contacts that are received in the messages tab.

    It would look like this:
    1. messages > email
    2. Select a number of contacts
    3. Click on [new feature] import contact(s)

    Presently, you can only important 1 contact at a time. This new feature would increase the number of contacts that can be stored and filed within…

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  10. 3 votes

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  11. Show me what people are responding to. Twitter has threading built in. Hootsuite has threading. Why is there not threading?

    At present, when I open a message I have no idea what I said to that person. There is no threading. If they're already a contact, I can click four times to find what was said before. If they're not already a contact, I can scroll back on Hootsuite, hoping that I'll find the message that they're responding to.

    Without threading, conversations are difficult, if not impossible. Please add/support threading in the messages view.

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  12. Create another Sent folder that contains all Emails from the sent folder that have no replies

    It would be great to see a folder created in Nimble which it would include all e-mails from the sent folder that have received no replies. Like that I can see who I have to reply to back that person hasn't replied yet.

    What do you think?

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  13. Add more batching features to Messages

    We need to be able to quickly let the entire team in on conversations we're having and currently we have to open the email in messages and do this one-by-one by clicking the padlock icon. If we were able to select a batch of emails and a padlock shows up next to the two icons currently there that seems ideal.

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  14. Let users know notes will not be sent to contacts in events

    When setting up an event, just put a line of text that says notes/email will not be sent to this contact. I had to do a lot of searching and testing to be sure this wasn't happening.

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  15. Improve the messaging experience so I can stop flipping back to gmail

    I am really trying to "live inside" Nimble.

    The problem is: my life moves too fast for the messaging system, and it lacks the richness of gmail's web interface and even some aspects of hand.le

    1) the inbox is far from real-time in refreshing
    2) then there's the wait message relating to messages being synched (that I don't see in other apps)
    3) Messages frequently have formatting issues / issues with in-line graphics
    4) After every action, I am dumped back at my inbox, when I really wand to move onto the next message.
    5) I would love a…

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    Hi Andy,

    Thank you for your suggestion.

    We do not plan on making improvements to messaging from within Nimble in the near future.

    Instead, we plan on launching a widget for Gmail by the end of the year. This widget will allow you to interact with all of your Nimble contacts from Gmail, and allow you to add new contacts from Gmail.

    Our idea behind this initiative is to help bring Nimble to our users in their workflow, and it is going to be a very exciting launch.

    If you have any questions, please email, and we’ll be happy to help.



  16. add inbox zero tools

    Take a page from handle, the email game, or mailbox and add simple productivity functionality to blaze through the inbox.

    This is standing between me being able to live inside of nimble and having to leave for most messaging -- particularly that initial onte at the beginning of the day.

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  17. 3 votes

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  18. Show WHOLE twitter message (instead of only 140 characters)

    In pending and history you see only part of twitter messages and not full message which is very annoying as it is not clear what has been communicated!

    Enlarge field and storage from twitter message so you can read whole and complete message thread

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  19. Stay in touch: weekly reminders

    Earlier this year (Feb 4th) I suggested that is would be really useful to get a weekly reminder of those I need to stay in touch with this week. Basically, I need a feature that helps me stay in touch without logging into Nimble. After all, I am using Nimble precisely because I am short of time and logging in is not always possible.

    Joseph Kelly kindly responded and added an idea: it would be useful to send out an “Upcoming Activities” email with all upcoming “Stay in Touch” reminders.

    Can you build this? I would convince me to stay…

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  20. Have folders for different email boxes

    I really like Nimble however the only thing that may make me cancel this service is the fact that all of the emails come to one email box. I have 4 different email addresses that I have loaded into Nimble and I would like to be able to view them separately instead of having them in one large inbox. PLEASE create an option to separate your messages from different emails into different viewable inboxes within the system.

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