Ingo Reichert
My feedback
4 results found
388 votes
Ingo Reichert supported this idea ·
438 votes
Ingo Reichert supported this idea ·
159 votes
At the current moment, we do not have any specific plans for an integration with Evernote.
Instead, we have added the feature to log notes on contact records in Nimble.
All you will have to do is go to a current contact and select “Log Note” to save a note to a contact record.
For more information, see our announcement here:
Thank you for your continued feedback and support!
-The Nimble Team
Ingo Reichert supported this idea ·
226 votes
At this time, we don’t plan to change the display of folders in Nimble. We will review this at a later time if we feel this will add value to Nimble.
For now, you can send messages from your custom designed email client, i.e. Apple Mail, Gmail, or Outlook, and all messages will be synced to Nimble.
Ingo Reichert supported this idea ·