Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
If you have an urgent question about your account or implementing a feature, please write us directly at or tweet us at We are available M-F from 9-5 Pacific.
413 results found
Search Results: Add "View More" option (or add Next/Prev to top of page)
In the contacts search results, it's difficult to move quickly through contacts. Few results means I have to scroll to the bottom to see Next/Previous. Please either allow me to see more results per page (50, 100) or at least add Next/Previous to the top.
3 votesHi Jasmine,
We will review the feature to cycle through pages of contacts from the top of the list.
Thank you for your feedback and support!
the phone # should be a field i.e. (xxx) xxx-xxxx to make it easier to enter and to ensure uniformity
make the phone number field pre-populated with (__) __ - ____
1 vote -
What Page
I received this notice - Engagement Opportunities
Doug Lingo liked your page
General Manager at MPI Label Systems
There is NO link to the page he liked! So I have no idea how to engage without going to all the pages and looking to see if that was the page he liked
Add the page link which opens in a new window
3 votes -
Can you make the Social Stream show expanded images like Twitter does?
Can you make the Social Stream show expanded images like Twitter does?
Twitter now shows expanded images in the stream, but Nimble only shows a line item with no image. This means I must go to the Twitter profile to get an accurate picture (which defeats the purpose of an all-in-one Nimble program).
1 vote -
1 vote
Make TAG's a DropDown!!!!!!!!! - and not that you have to type
i hate when the program is so lazy that they do not allow for drop down on obvious List field. this forces me to remember, did I call Wedding or Weddings or Ceremony etc... Bad Practice
4 votes -
Put the lead ranking or another field at the top of the contact in the "Status" box.
In the "Status" box, or directly under the contact summary (i.e. under photo) I would like to see a ranking system where I can identify the A,B,C rating of the contact. The rating could refer to the importance, influence, or quality, for example.
1 vote -
Browser plugin which detect and interact with names
Create a browser plugin / extension (chrome, firefox, etc) that detects person / social names. Put some design (dotted underline?) around every detected name on a page, when clicking, give a menu with some actions as : Add as contact, or if an existing contact, things that are in the current 'take action' menu.
7 votes -
Add more Advanced Search criteria
This is a feature request to add the ability to search by multiple criteria in advanced search such as:
Begins With
Greater Than/Less Than/Equal To
If you have any additional ideas for queries to add to Advanced Search, please include them in the comments and we will update this feature request.
72 votesHi,
We plan on adding more criteria to Advanced Search.
For now, we have added “Is Not” as advanced search criteria.
We also have “Or” as criteria for search, if you search for "Find people or companies that match “any” of the following", it will function as an “Or” search.
If you search for "Find people or companies that match “all” of the following", it will function as an “And” search.
We will need to do more work to add search for numerical values such as “Greater/Less/Equal to” and the same goes for “Birthdays”. We will update this thread when we have more information on these fronts.
Thank you for your feedback and support!
Best regards,
Import a social contact as a Company not a Person
Every Morning I start by adding new contacts into Nimble. I hover over, "Other Engagement Opportunities" and check our new, "Messages" stream to add all of the people we are engaging with as Nimble contacts. However, Nimble will only import contacts as people. I would love to see a little drop-down arrow with an, "import as company" selection! That way when I import, "TheHockeyNews" from twitter it wont appear in my contacts as a name, |FNAME| The |LNAME| HockeyNews rather I would be able to select import as company and proceed to fill out other field identifiers. Thanks! Hope to…
3 votes -
Option to turn off Merge Confirmation
... allow turning off Merge Confirmation when doing lots of them.
Right now, being asked every time to confirm is also a pain in this case. I understand it makes sense when you occasionally invoke the function
1 voteHi Sergiu,
Thank you for your suggestion.
Unfortunately, we do not plan on turning off this function because it provides much more value to our users as a warning before merging.
To avoid receiving this message, I recommend exporting all of your contacts to CSV.
From the CSV file, merge the duplicate contacts in Excel.
Next, delete the contacts in Nimble, then run the import with all of the merged contacts on the clean CSV to Nimble.
If you have any questions about this process, please write me at
Best regards,
in advanced search allow us an option to exclude certain tags (such as personal)
Social integration is great, but it pulls in the whole universe. I'd like to be able to take some contacts as irrelevant to business and then be able to do advanced searches that exclude those tags.
6 votes -
Archive tags, put tags in an archive instead of deleting them
Our sales team is going to create a lot of Tags that we will use for some months and then we would like to put them in an archive, to make them invisible on the contactspage, rather then deleting them to be able to pick them up at a later point.
Access them later via the advanced search would be prefferred.0 votesHi,
Thank you for your feedback and idea.
At this current time, we don’t envision changing the structure of our tag function in Nimble, so we must decline this idea.
Rather than having your team use tags, I recommend using the custom data fields feature for Nimble. Custom data fields are better than tags because they are less cluttered, more easily controlled by management, and you can export custom data field information to CSV, while we don’t support exporting of tags for now.
For more information about custom data fields, please take a look at our article here:
If you have any questions about how to best set things up, please send us an email at and we’ll be happy to help.
Best regards,
Group Notes
It would be great to be able to add a GROUP NOTE. That is create a specific note and include it in the time line of multiple contacts.
Thanks, John
9 votes -
Adding people as friends, colleagues, customers, suppliers, etc. to enable the conversation to be better suited.
By changing the type of contact, one can define how the conversation should be. As well as that, if someone in the the organisation is a friend then I want to be able to start the conversation with their assistance.
3 votes -
Fix your delete all
Bugs in your system. Click All contacts, click the checkbox to select all, then click the "select all 2465 contacts" then select delete. Had to do this several times in order to actually delete all. It seems to only delete 1000 at a time but says it is deleting ALL contacts. Also, your system appears to have no cancel account option. I would like to delete myself but can't.
3 votes -
When adding people in contacts - have the option not to add a separate company page
It is not always needed when you only have one contact at that company. This is especially important when you adding prospects from lists, then you call them and if they are not interested you have to remove both people and company page. I hope this makes sense
4 votesHi,
Thank you for your feedback.
Unfortunately, we made a decision to create separate company and contact records at the outset of the application and we don’t plan on changing this feature.
If the “company” field is filled out on a contact, it will create a record for the company as well. This is all based on our database design.
I also want to mention that if you delete a contact and they are the only person related to a company, you will be prompted to delete the company record as well because no person is working at that company.
I understand that this may require different thinking for your current workflow, therefore, we are always happy to provide assistance if you write to us at
Best regards,
Attachments in notes
We often send letters by mail and it would be great to have the functionality of adding an PDF attachment to a Note.
Also...being able to a PDF attachment to a Group Note (another "wish")
Thanks, John
6 votes -
to connect the who viewed my profile on linkedin into opportunities in nimble.
The best should be a automatic version.
Which is engaging you to interact with the persons who are viewed the profile and remember if it's more than twice in a week to create a invite if not connected already.3 votes -
Sort Contacts by recent activity
It would be great if we could sort contacts by recent activity and then be able to export them
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?