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413 results found

  1. Add market segment / distribution channel to contact

    In our tourism industry, we have several distribution channels / market segments (direct sales, tour operators, resort sales, cruise line, etc).This is not "lead source" or "lead type" but the segment the client comes through and how contact the client (lead source) and the client supplier (distribution channels / market segments).

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  2. edit tags inside the contact list

    edit tags inside the contact list

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  3. UI suggestions to make our life easier

    Contacts > People or Company: Remember my last used tag as my default view.

    Contacts > People > Search: Return only people results instead of both

    Contacts > Company > Search: Return only Company results instead of both

    Contacts > Delete: Move it to a trash bin.
    - This way, if I re-import contact, you won't recreate them.
    - If I change my mind, I just have to move it back from the trash

    Company Info: Suggest contact information based on users contact data. I have 9 people in a company with the same url, I am sure you can…

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  4. can you please fix the recently viewed tab

    recently viewed tab doesnt show the most recently viewed contacts

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  5. enable ability to pin ALL contact from info tab

    it would be nice to have all contact info at the top of the screen when you click on a contacts name. that way i dont have to juggle between contact "info" tab and "all" tab

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  6. Show type of Twitter relationship on a contact record

    It would be very useful if I could see the type of relationship I have to contacts that I follow on Twitter and have in Nimble.

    This would help me sort my contacts in Nimble accordingly and allow me to engage with different types of Twitter contacts in different ways.

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  7. Find a way to import "2nd degree" contacts from Linkedin or Facebook.

    Not sure if it is so simple but it would be very powerful in prospecting - especially if you know who they are mutually connected by.

    If for example, Ms. X is connected to 2-3 "customers" (probably people with similar interests/profiling) then it is a shortcut to assume Ms. X has potential - worth calling her to find out!!

    This will be massive in recruitment cold calling. i.e. headhunting. Star players usually hang with star players.

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    Hi Murray,

    Thank you for writing in.

    Unfortunately, we’re not able to access 2nd degree contacts from LinkedIn or Facebook’s API, therefore we must decline this feature request.

    In all honesty, we would love to have this feature in Nimble as well, it would make it much more powerful and if it is allowed in the future, we will likely revisit this feature.

    Best regards,


  8. Allow users to enter company address in one line

    Allow users to enter the address in one line (much like Google Maps allows us to do)

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  9. change the icon photo import; so that instead of squeezing a rectangular photo to make it square, it cropped it.

    Right now, when I import a photo that is NOT square, the photo is squeezed and people look weird and thin. You can keep the square frame, just allow the rectangular image to be cropped. Then people will look like themselves. :-)

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  10. 1 vote

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  11. automate contact "address" fields to default social profile city/country settings.

    If you want to go global this would make life easier.
    E.g. I work in Tokyo and my BD leads are US but "sales" leads in Japan. All the sales lead contacts have Japan or Tokyo listed in Linkedin and Facebook but when I import them that data seems not to be included. Thus if I do a search it pulls in people from all sorts of location.
    If I use Adv. Search it comes up short so I need to manually go through thousands of Contacts to assign Address/Country.
    If there is a better way, please advise!! Otherwise I…

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  12. List Contacts by each letter of the Alphabet using an A-Z List - Not Just Sort ALL Contacts Alphabetically

    It is not enough to just sort ALL Contacts alphabetically to try to find a Contact whose Name starts with some letter.

    Each letter on the A-Z List on the right side of the UI should be a link to the Contacts whose First Names begin with that letter.

    Alternatively, along the top of the screen, create an A-Z horizontal List where each letter, when clicked, brings the User to the beginning of that list of names that start with that letter AND make the numeric list (at the bottom of the screen) limited to those pages of the list…

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  13. On Contact List can there be a flag to distunguish Company from Individual records?

    Hi, I imported a CSV file into a Tag Group recently. Nimble has created individual and company records. when i now look at contacts in the group I see records for people and companies together.

    Can you add a criteria box at the top to select Individuals, or Companies or Both, alongside the SORT by name box.


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    Hi Mark,

    Thank you for writing in.

    For sorting, we already provide the option to segment contacts by Company or People on the left-hand side of the Contacts tab.

    It sounds like you may be sorting contacts out from under the “All” selection under the Contact tab, which results in companies and people mixing together.

    If you want to sort by name for Company, be sure to select “Company” on the left-hand side before making your sorting selections.

    The same practice is to be taken for People.

    I hope that this is helpful. Please write to us at to discuss this in further detail.

    Best regards,


  14. Automatically tag users imported from HootSuite

    Nimble's integration with Hootsuite is pretty powerful. We use it to find new leads. I'd like to be able to easily find those that I've imported to Nimble. It will be best to do it using tags.

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  15. Allow me to enter a Linked In URL for a contact even if I have maxed out my API calls

    I just imported 180 contacts and am going through cleaning up their data and adding important information. Most of the time you find them on FB and Linked In, but sometimes you don't. That's ok because I can get their URL and enter it manually. Until I run out of API calls. Once that happens, the updates I make to their profile cannot be saved. I have to wait (some unknown amount of time) until I can again enter the information and save the profile.

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    Thank you for submitting this feature request.

    Unfortunately, our URL field for social profiles is set to call on LinkedIn or other social networks to verify the profile and we aren’t able to set it to save a URL without sending a call.

    Because of this, if your profile is maxed out for API calls, the LinkedIn URL will not be able to be added in the LInkedIn URL field.

    Our best suggestion for now would be to add the LinkedIn URL as a standard URL on a contact record, tag the contact, and then come back at a later time once your LinkedIn API throttle limit expires.

    If you have any questions, please reply to this thread or email us at

    Thank you for your continuing feedback and support!

    Best regards,


  16. Allow delete saved contact search without having to RUN the search

    Right now, you only see the "delete" link when a search has been run. That makes deleting multiple searches quite cumbersome. Suggestion would be to add a "delete" option in the left sidebar, right next to the saved search.

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  17. Auto-format phone numbers

    It's annoying that phone numbers don't auto-format. It would be nice if phone numbers would be auto-formatted as you enter them, just like on

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. go Soocial

    Why don't you guys connect with
    That's a great tools that allows contacts synch with many different sources like Gmail, Windows Live, Yahoo, iPhone... All you would have to do is to write the right connector.

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  20. Improve contact import from email (batching, better scraping of info from signatures)

    Importing contact info from emails is a nice feature, but currently very limited. In order to make it awesome, it needs the following:

    • Add an easy way to batch process emails which are not yet attached to contacts. I'd like a screen where I can see all the people I've received emails from or who were CCed on emails who are NOT yet contacts in Nimble, so I can check which ones I want to import.

    • Try to intelligently scrape information from a contact's signature, such as Full Name, address, phone number, etc. to add to the contact record.

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