Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
If you have an urgent question about your account or implementing a feature, please write us directly at or tweet us at We are available M-F from 9-5 Pacific.
413 results found
Create Email Label for "No Longer Current" Contact Email Addresses
We currently can label an email address as "Work," "Personal," or "Other."
I suggest a fourth label to indicate an expired, no longer current or invalid email address that we could use when a Contact changes employers.
For example, when Suzie Q leaves Acme Widget Company, suzieq@acmewidget is no longer an email to reach this person, nor is it a valid email to reach anyone at Acme Widget Company.
However, I do not want to delete this email address because I want to keep all of the correspondence associated with it.
I'd like to keep those messages associated with the…
7 votes -
Show two phone numbers on the Contact Record summary panel.
Most B2B contacts have an office and a mobile phone number. It would be really useful to see both of them on the contact summary panel.
9 votesHi,
Thank you for your feature request. At the current moment, we will probably not make changes to the amount of contact information shown on the top of a contact card.
If you would like to see the phone numbers for a contact, click on the “info” sub-tab and you will be able to see all of a contact’s phone numbers, email addresses, etc. from a single view.
We appreciate your feedback and support!
-The Nimble Team
Allow cc'd contacts in email to be imported easily
Most, if not all, referral leads I get from clients are done through an intro email where referral lead is cc'd on that email. Unfortunately, it seems that Nimble does not have that feature making it a manual job to add the contact. Just something small that would make life easier.
3 votes -
have a browser extension for clipping text and adding to a contact
create a Chrome (or other) extension. So that when I am browsing the web i can select some text and then add it directly as a note to a contact record. Buzzstream have this and it is way cool
6 votes -
allow resume imports
If we allow resumes to be imported and stored into Contact -- this whole CRM can be used as Recruitment engine
thanks1 vote -
Base Recent Contacts on home screen on interactions, not just which records were opened
The list of recent contacts on the home screen is only based on which ones we have viewed directly in Nimble. It would be awesome and incredibly useful if this was updated automatically based on our interactions outside of Nimble such as
Messages sent / received
Recently created event or task
Upcoming event or task
etc.The beauty of Nimble is the ability to gather lots of information about our interactions - why not put this to use and give Nimble the ability to predict what information we need before we even need it?
2 votesHi,
This is a great feature request and we will definitely place it under review.
We have recently rolled out the “Recently Contacted” feature so we certainly have many enhancements to make. This is a perfect example of how we can use information from interactions to better your CRM experience!
We look forward to sharing more about this potential feature in the future, thank you for this suggestion!
-The Nimble Team
4 votes
2 votes
Include Google Chat transcripts in contact records as a message
I use Google Chat / Gchat to talk to partners, vendors and customers. My Gmail saves these chat transcripts, but I can't see them in Nimble. It would be great if Nimble included chat transcripts. Then it would truly be a comprehensive record of communications (in Google Apps / Gmail), and I wouldn't need to keep Gmail open alongside it.
2 votes -
update the list of countries
Please, add Montenegro and Serbia to the list of countries in contacts. There is no Yugoslavia any more, too.
1 vote -
grouping emails via company name
I was trying to setup nimble and added my google apps account. It was nice that nimble was able to import all contacts into the contacts. However, I think nimble can be smarter about how it imports contacts so that nimble is more organized upon start up.
For instance, I have many customer correspondence from some company acme who email always ends in Instead of simply creating contact, nimble should do the following
- group contacts from the same @... under the same company
- prompt user if he she wants to use the work between @ and .com/net as the…
1 vote -
The Facebook popup in Social Profile Matches should include Work field
In the right sidebar Social Profile Matches the Facebook popups should include more info like the his current employer (work) on the person because the photo is usually useless. This would avoid clicking on the profil picture and navigate to Facebook.
1 vote -
Please increase the ways to filter data in the advance search fields.
Please include the ability to filter the tags the same way you can filter a contact's company or address. (is, is not etc)
3 votes -
Compatability with Google Voice Chrome Extension
The Google Voice Chrome Extension makes phone numbers clickable so that with a couple of clicks I can call with Google Voice. It works on most websites, but not on yours. I'm guessing the GV javascript runs before you download the number. Maybe you could just wrap all numbers with the GV code, see example:
<span id="gc-number-0" class="gc-cs-link" title="Call with Google Voice">570-123-4567</span>
1 voteHi,
Thank you for your suggestion, we are looking into various avenues for phone integration with Nimble, I will put this under review.
Automatically create unique Tag based on Wufoo form response
Wufoo forms can be used to collect information from multiple choice, radio button, and drop down fields. I am using it to allow respondents in indicate their area of interest. I would like to be able to use that response as a tag thereby being able to search through my contacts by subject on interest. Nimble now only allows you to assign a single tag to all contacts coming in from the same form and can only populate a limited number of fields from Wufoo's form. When a respondent makes a selection to identify themselves to my company it would…
3 votes -
Show all contacts without a tag
I'd be nice to filter out all contacts without a tag so that we could easily add tags to those lacking them.
19 votes -
Tags background colour should be brighter
I think the grey background of the tags makes the white text difficult to see so it would be better as a brighter colour.
1 vote -
Add an additional identifier for mobile numbers to include carrier.
Add an additional identifier for mobile numbers to include carrier.
There are some features that knowing this would be helpful.
ie. mobile to mobile calls are typically free with same carrier.3 votes -
Drag and drop a contact's photo
If I see a contact's photo on his/her ABOUT web page or at an event web page with a speaker photo and bio, allow me to drag and drop the contact's photo to Nimble contact photo
8 votes -
Better Tag Management
Improve tag management. We should be able to delete many tags at once in case of import errors.
22 votesHi Nimble Users,
This request is currently under review. We need to see more votes so please continue to add your vote and feedback.
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