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258 results found

  1. When you open an email from within a contact record, we need a button to close that email and go back to the contact record

    Description in title. Hitting the back arrow on the browser does not seem like the way be want to be able to do this?? Thanks!

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    completed  ·  charlene responded

    Today, when you open an email in a contact record – it will open in the Messages tab. When you click on the Contacts tab, it will bring you back to the contact record you were in.

  2. Need 10,000 Contacts into this program and it has only 5000 now please let me know when this gets fixed.

    10,000 contracts would be nice + Sync google voice data with nimble. For example, if I call a contact that is in Nimble with google voice I would like that call to be logged in the contacts activity along with the google voice call transcription and audio playback. This would be a huge defining feature for Nimble that no one else is doing right now. No more logging calls when they log themselves. The amount of time this would save me is just ridiculous.

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    completed  ·  charlene responded

    We’ve upped the import limit – from 5K to 10K for social networks, vCards and Google. And for csv files, we’ve upped it to 50K!

  3. Mark all read

    Can Nimble implement some of the standard message controls, like 'Mark All As Read'?

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  4. A-Z Alphabetical Sort Bar on top of contacts list

    Need a quick way to get to the contact without guessing which page they are on. You could use an A B C...Z list or a search box on top of the contacts.

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  5. Add support for custom fields

    I have some information that I need to track for many of my companies. It would be helpful to be able to define custom fields in which to store this info and then filter the list of companies by this info.

    One example: I want to track to "reach" that a given company has. I represent this as a number. Ideally I would be able to filter to only companies with a reach in a certain range.

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    completed  ·  charlene responded

    It’s released today! Check it out under your Settings in Nimble.

  6. Allowing querying by contact activity

    The social CRM winner will be the one who handles "social plate spinning" the best.

    It would be great to see a pre-made graph of all my cold "customers," "leads," prospects, "deals" etc. that I haven't communicated with for a certain period of time; being able to drill-down into this list would be even more magical.

    For now, it would be nice to just query a report of whatever segment/field I specify, that hasn't had any activity for whatever time period I specify, drill into these contacts, check out their Twitter, see what they're up to, and maybe send them…

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    You may now run queries in Nimble based on the “last contacted” date by team and we display contacts in sortable order for “Recently Contacted” by the individual on the Contacts tab.

    We are going to add more functions to Nimble to help our users stay top of mind with their contacts, and these current features should help a lot for the near future.



  7. Create a new deal from a contact record and have contact name/company auto populate

    When a contact lead becomes qualified for a new opportunity there should be an easy way to create a new deal directly from the contact record with person name or company name auto populated in the second field 'company or person'. There is already the request to put the New Deal button on the contact screen, but filling in the information from the record will save manual input.

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  8. Add importing email & messenger addresses,and birthdays from facebook and other supported social networks

    It imports profile picture and some details,but mail addresses etc are not imported even they are available at the profile

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    completed  ·  charlene responded


    We now import a lot more information from social profiles such as addresses, phone numbers, and birthdays.

    Thank you for your input!

  9. Add tasks to the Calendar View

    It would be useful to view tasks alongside the calendar as a To Do List, similar to what you can in Outlook. Gives you one "dashboard view" of all your activities.

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    completed  ·  charlene responded

    Hi Alan,

    You can now add a Task from the Calendar view in the Activities tab in Nimble. Just select “New Activity” and you can create either a new task or a new event!

    Thank you for the suggestion!

  10. Clearer icons

    I'd like to see clearer icons on for example task status. Now it is hard to quickly see if a task is completed or not by just glancing at it (you have to read the text to know - at least that is the feeling I think).

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  11. 2 votes

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  12. Automate adding contacts from messages and communications

    It would be great if Nimble allow us to add a contact directly from a communication so when I get an email from a new contact I can use their details from the communication they have sent to make a new contact, instead of having to go and manually do it.

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    completed  ·  charlene responded


    You can now add a contact from an incoming email by importing their contact profile from the right side of the message.

    We really appreciate your feedback and support!

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    completed  ·  charlene responded


    We now force a password reset for users to regain access to their accounts. Thank you for your input!

  14. Fasten the process of loading content after click

    Nimble is very slow in loading content after click. Can you make it fast to work speedy manner.

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    completed  ·  charlene responded


    We have made many improvements in loading content in Nimble since your time of writing in. If you still receive any trouble, feel free to write us at

    Thank you!

  15. Facebbok Notification

    When i enter facebook .. there is a notification icons that gives me the updates on who has commented on my post,liked my photos or mentioned me.. But on Nimble i dont think that feature is available.. It would be useful if that notification feature is available...

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    completed  ·  charlene responded


    You can now view social network notifications in Nimble by going to Social >> Notifications.

    Thank you for the suggestion!

  16. Contact - display phone numbers

    Have contact display include phone numbers without expanding profile.

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  17. Add ability to assign existing appointments to deals

    I already have a lot of appointments which I have to remake in my calenbdar in order to connect them to a deal. I alsoi get invitations that are connected to upcoming deals (hopefully).

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  18. Add a lign of buttons under the people/company lists

    I just updated my contact list (removed my housekeeper, etc). Everytime I select people to be removed I have to scroll all the way up to press the button. When placed on the bottom I can either scroll up or down, just which is shortest

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  19. Put an "Add Deal" button on the contact screen

    There are "Add Task", "Add Event" and "Log Activity" buttons, why not an "Add Deal" button as well?

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  20. List task/event tags in alpha order when 'Show activities assigned to: x with tags: xx'

    List task/event tags in alpha order when using feature 'Show activities assigned to: x with tags: xx' It is hard to find the tag name in this drop down list when not in alpha order.

    (This list is in alpha order when creating a task or event as you 'type ahead' in the tags field)

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