Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
If you have an urgent question about your account or implementing a feature, please write us directly at or tweet us at We are available M-F from 9-5 Pacific.
195 results found
focus on tighter Google Apps integration
I love your interface, functionality and generally your product. However, I came across Nimble via Google apps which is my platform. Until you have tighter integration of contacts and calendar as a minimum, I can't really use this as a serious CRM. Keep up the good work and I'll check back as you progress....
36 votesHi,
We have two separate threads for these feature requests, one for Google Contacts sync and one for Google Calendar syncing.
For now, we do not have an update on when we will release these fixes.
In the meantime, I suggest using a tool such as Zapier, SyncApps by Cazoomi, or Itduzzit to keep new contacts up to date in Nimble or Google Contacts.
More information about these apps can be found on our marketplace here: Nimble Apps Marketplace
bring in open/activity from mailchimp to contact's record
I want to see whether a particular user opened our email newsletter or that they received one versus another (because multiple segments in our communications)
33 votesHi,
At the current moment, we are done with work on our MailChimp integration so it is unlikely that we will pull in open/activity information into Nimble when it is viewable in MailChimp.
We may circle back to this feature sometime in the future, but for now it is not on our list of projects.
We appreciate your feedback and support!
The Nimble Team
Windows Phone App
If Iphone is running, Why don't you add the windows phone 7.5 and/or 8. I am using Nokia Lumnia 800... Also, If possible to sync in and out contacts,messages and more...
27 votesHi,
At this point in time, we do not intend to build an app for Windows Phone. If we receive enough feedback on this thread, we will reconsider in the future.
Best regards,
more languages avaible
I am ok with english, but others of my team are not. It makes Nimble not so useful for us.
26 votesHi,
We do not plan to localize Nimble at this time. Please vote up this feature and we will consider it in the future.
Add a 'documents' tab in the contacts view
I several emails I attach (important) files. And with the large amount of emails that are send it sometimes hard to find back a certain file. Is it possible that Nimble find them for you. So next to the 'message','activities' and 'deals' tab a 'documents' tab. When you click on it you should see a complete list of all the files that were send to that specific contact or (in company view) to a contact belonging to a certain company.
23 votesHi,
At the current moment, we do not have the ability to search messages that contain file attachments from within Nimble. If you are currently using Gmail, you can use the advanced search function to search for emails sent with specific file attachments.
With regards to attaching documents to contacts, we are looking into integrations with various cloud document storage platforms to allow for better ease of access to documents that are related to your specific contacts.
If you have any questions, please email us at, we are always happy to help out.
Best regards,
It would be very helpful to enter the notes section of a contact and be able to read the whole note and no just the title.
I'd like to be able to go into the notes section and be able to read the full notes in a timline form, instead of having to click into each specific note. It's an additional step and doing it over and over again to get caught up on a contact is frustratingly inefficient. While utilizing a pop up window for editing does make sense, being able to read it creates more work. We are busy and ease of use is key in crms. Thanks.
23 votesHi,
For now, we are declining this feature request because we like the compact view of notes on contact records.
If this feature garners enough votes, we will reconsider, but most of our feedback in this area has been positive so we don’t plan on changing it just yet.
Best regards,
Ecommerce integration
I want a CRM that can connect to my ecommerce store. Specifically:
- Customers become contacts
- Sales data should be displayed when viewing a contact (i.e. orders to date, total sales, date of last order)
- Orders should be displayed when viewing a contact
21 votesHi,
At the current moment, we do not have plans to internally develop an ecommerce integration with Nimble and specific solutions such as PayPal or Google Checkout.
We have recently released an integration with Zapier ( which will allow you to create a “trigger” between your ecommerce application and Nimble.
For example, a new customer in your Ecommerce software can be set to “Zap” to Nimble to create a new contact record.
We appreciate your continuing feedback and support and we would love to hear more about how you use Nimble. Please feel free to email us at to share your thoughts and questions with us.
Best regards,
Translation in spanish
I think it would be very nice...
21 votes -
Wave Accounting Integration
Wave Accounting Integration - Wave is a micro/small business, cloud based accounting package. Ability to flow deals to invoices and contacts to customers.
20 votes -
Skype contacts? Or am i just nieve, love your app, thanks so much!
Skype contacts?
love your app, thanks so much!18 votes -
Hotmail support - integration
It would be nice to have Live/Hotmail integration for contacts.
18 votesHi,
We’re not able to integrate with Hotmail because we only support IMAP email accounts and Hotmail is on POP3 protocol.
I’m really sorry because I know there are still a lot of Hotmail users out there, but this is a limitation that is out of our hands.
Best regards,
Add LinkedIn Group post integration in a simple all inclusive viewer.
It would be a great feature if there was LinkedIn Group post integration. When you add this feature, it would be extremely effective if you could consolidate all group posts on one page making it easy for the user to view all of their combined group posts. LinkedIn currently only allows you to view the posts of each group separately making it a tedious task for power users. Adding this feature would allow users to interact with more users, thus increasing their connections.
17 votesDue to the shutdown of the LinkedIin API for CRM systems, we will not be building a Group integration for LinkedIn.
If things change in the future, we will reconsider.
Best regards,
Better Message - Sorting, filtering (To/From), Searching
This is one area that needs more work. The fact that you can't clearly filter to/from emails it just terrible.
Please make this change so I don't have any excuse to leave Nimble!
17 votes -
full wysiwyg editor
I noticed that while we can do bolden etc, there is a lack of editing capabilities for those that aren't fluent in HTML within messages as well as the Signature input for Nimble. Im sure that we can benefit form the full text editor in all areas - including hyperlinks, bulletpoints and many of the other provided functions would be extremely helpful.
Thank you!
17 votesHi,
At this time, we don’t plan on building a text editor into Nimble that shows wsiwyg. I recommend using a free tool like to check on code and the resources at Simple HTML is not too difficult with a little bit of practice. I’m not an expert at all, and I’m able to get by.
To intergrate Evernote the same as way dropbox is integrated in Nimble, the easy way
In the contact field, dropbox files can be attached. This is done by clicking on a document in dropbox and then the document icoon is shown. This icoon is a link to de document in dropbox.
The same way of integrating Evernote is easy to realize. So i suggest integrating Evernote in a way that a note can be added to the contact as an attachment. This attachment is only a link to the actual note that then can be viewed as a webpage document.
Evernote is a vital part for collection data and information about projects and customers. This…
16 votes -
If not automatically, it will be great to do it manually anyway.
Putting our logo instead of Nimble logo would be great!!
15 votesHi,
At the current moment, we don’t plan on adding the feature of including your own company logo in Nimble.
We don’t plan on adding this feature to Nimble in 2013 so I am declining it for now. If it receives enough votes, we will review this feature request.
Best regards,
Add Custom Fields as Parameter options for External Web Pages
I'd like to pull in an External Web Page that requires parameters that are not currently available by default.
For me to get these parameter values into Nimble, I would need to import them into Custom Fields with each Account and/or Contact.
If I was able to do this, I could pull in the order history for all my existing customers, into Nimble. As well as Add order history links into Contacts who order in the future.
This is only one example of how this could be used, and the idea provides a simple yet effective way to connect other…
15 votes -
Attach images to status updates!
I need to post new statuses with images (photo or just funny pics). Dear Nimble, I hope, you should make it possible!
14 votesThis is declined for now until this ability is available over social network APIs.
Tag Merging
Being able to merge two tags. For example, we have many cases where two users add the same thing with different spelling or capitalization. It would help organization if we could merge tags, perhaps by changing the name of one to match the other.
14 votesHi,
Thank you for writing in for this feature request.
For the time being, we must decline the ability to merge tags in Nimble because it is not a priority at this time.
We have not prioritized this feature because users can merge two tagged groups through a work around in Nimble.
If you would like to merge two tagged groups, go to Advanced Search.
Next, add two search queries for “tag is” and add each of your tagged groups you would like to merge.
After running your search, select the check box at the top of the list and click the text for “select all ## contacts”.
After all contacts are selected, choose “Add Tags” and apply a new tag to the group.
Once you have applied a new tag to these contacts, you will have successfully merged the contacts under a new tag.
After merging contacts under a…
Add Next Action Date field to the Deals List.
This would allow me to see that indeed there ARE next actions for every deal, and I could sort by next action to put these in chronological order. Right now I have no easy way to ensure that each of my deals has a next action, and can't get a feel for how my pipeline is progressing over time.
14 votesIt’s best to utilize tasks to define the next action for Deals in Nimble.
- Don't see your idea?