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134 results found

  1. "Send to Nimble" Email address

    Salesforce has a feature which allows you to send specific emails to be logged in the system. The email is then associated with each email account recognised.
    Reason- I use gmail with multiple accounts (personal and business); not all email correspondence is appropriate for Nimble or members of my team. Cheers...

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    Since our email integration is build on automatic email syncing, we do not need to have a manual “send to Nimble” email option.

    If you would like to store an email not related to an actively connected account, please use our Log Note functionality.



  2. Mass mail: 6 and 18 months for follow-up and time for sending

    Is it in the follow-up function, under the email messages, possible to have 6 and 18 months for follow-up?
    And is it feasible to have a function (date and time) when the mass emails are to be sent? Like; If I'm Denmark, want to send out an email arriving let's say Monday morning 9,05 am in Singapore, is this possible? (The time for arrival is particularly important for getting a higher level of people opening/reading the email!)

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  3. Develop a soft phone integration for Nimble.

    Would love to have soft phone integration, ie, ringcentral. When a contact calls, contact profile is displayed. There is a tool like this for Outlook.

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    Thank you for writing in to submit this feature request to the team at Nimble!

    We will review whether or not to develop a phone system integration internally with Nimble, and we will update this thread when our team is ready to share further comments. Please continue to vote for this thread to show our Product team that you would like a phone integration with Nimble.

    We may not specifically integrate with Ring Central, so I have changed the title of this thread to be broader to cover any phone system integration.

    Thank you for your feedback and support!

    Best regards,


  4. Change spam classifications for

    My email hasn't gone through! And I couldn't reply to the intercom bubble message in my account.

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  5. Make the Group Message typing/composing area larger or expandable. It's hard to see what you're typing.

    Make the Group Message typing/composing area larger or expandable. It's hard to see what you're typing.

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  6. Domain Email Integration

    I use my domain email address to send most messages through my gmail currently. Can we have that capability for messages to display from domain emails in nimble?

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  7. Fix email tracking

    Email tracking does not work like it should. It really needs to be fixed. If I open an email that I have sent to someone, or reply to it, or forward it to a prospect as a reminder, it triggers your pixel and reports that the prospect has opened the email. On gmail if it is threaded, it reports an open for each email in the thread. This is not helpful. It should be triggered only when someone other than myself opens a message. This even happens using your mail client. You certainly should be able to do this at…

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  8. Display Custom IMAP Folders

    It would be great to have the same folders that are set up in Google apps/gmail by IMAP, then would not have to log into gmail at all, at the moment I still need to do that as I can not organise my mail from Nimble.

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    At this time, we don’t plan to change the display of folders in Nimble. We will review this at a later time if we feel this will add value to Nimble.

    For now, you can send messages from your custom designed email client, i.e. Apple Mail, Gmail, or Outlook, and all messages will be synced to Nimble.



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  10. Complete marketing automation for segments

    You guys are probably working on this already. I'm looking for a complete email marketing and automation for different segmented contacts. Despite the great group messaging tracking. Everything in the process of engaging with your contacts is still very manual. You have to check everyday to see if an email is working rather than a campaign dashboard.

    Having that option to have a sequence of emails while managing relationships through the platform would be great.

    I'd pay more for that

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  11. Please include ability to log Calls.

    Not just a Note, but something in the thread with Messages, updating Last Contacted.

    How can a CRM not have this? One should be able to see a chronological tracking of communications.


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  12. Allow messages to create calendar events or tasks

    Often, messages contain requests for responses. To increase effectiveness, you should offer a send option, "Send & Schedule"
    This will allow the user to more effectively track activity and project progress. This is especially important to consulting sales and service contracts.

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  13. Allow for individual message tracking the same as group messages.

    Being able to track message status when sending to a group is great. However, this should be a function available to individual messages as well.

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  14. Associate message with contact when that contact is not the sender

    Is it possible to associate an email with a contact when that contact is not the sender? If I receive an email from another person or a forwarded email, it would be nice to connect that message to the contact to which the message concerns. Also, linking Google Voice transcript emails to the contact would be nice.

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    For now, we will review the possibility for associating messages for contacts that are not senders.

    For the time being, the best work around would be to select “Log note” on a contact and paste the body of the email you want to have for a point of reference.

    We hope to have more information to share in the future about this feature, thank you for all of your votes!


    -The Nimble Team

  15. Make email open notifications work with Google Inbox

    Make email open notifications work with Google Inbox

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  16. Email Tracking Consistency?

    Using the Gmail plugin, I can track when an individual message has been opened, but when I send an email from inside Nimble, that option is not present... only for bulk messaging. Why is this? I hate having to jump to Gmail just so I can track whether the message has been opened or not.

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  17. Emails NOT WORKING AT ALL! Emails from nimble showing " email sent" flyover, but NO ACTUAL EMAIL SENT!

    "Email Sent" flyover coming up in Nimble,, but NOT showing in sent emails in nimble and when I go and look at my actual corresponding gmail, there have been NO emails sent since june 8th, this is a HUGE PROBLEM!!!!!

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  18. problem with group emails from a tag

    if i select an email from a contact and i can select which email i use but when i select a tag group and then want to sent a group email it only presents my google email. not the one i se as my primary one.
    can you not offer the same choice of emails when sending a group email, the look up table is there but only one email appears. Thanks
    Peter sturrock

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  19. group messaging

    The group messaging feature is great but very limiting given that if I open to see what I sent out (from the group message section) it then reads that as an "open". Also, when you go to the contact it doesn't indicate whether it was opened, click through. No bounce back tracking. Right now, it's barely a step above manual tracking. When I've inquired, I've been told that these issues are recognized and in process, but no idea when. These are enough of an issue with volume to make me change from Nimble to another CRM, whether I want to…

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  20. Display entire (all lines of) Twitter Direct Messages rather than the first line of text.

    Only the the first line of text of Twitter direct messages is displayed in the Messages tab and when I open the message, which forces me to leave Nimble and go to Twitter to find the message.

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