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134 results found

  1. it would be nice to have a show detail button at contact/account level to give a detailed view off the completed tasks, notes, email

    When i look at a contact to call, i want all detail info fast. I mean the content and not only the header off a note or mail or completed task

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    Hi Marco,

    Thank you for writing in.

    We do not have plans on changing our email signature function at this time.

    If you need help converting a signature to HTML, I suggest using this free online tool:

    In this tool, create your signature, then export the source code to HTML and paste the code in Nimble’s settings.

    If you have any questions, please email, and we will be happy to help.

    Best regards,


  3. add inbox zero tools

    Take a page from handle, the email game, or mailbox and add simple productivity functionality to blaze through the inbox.

    This is standing between me being able to live inside of nimble and having to leave for most messaging -- particularly that initial onte at the beginning of the day.

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  4. 3 votes

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  5. develop a tool to interact with unknown email addresses (cced as well as new contacts)

    When I receive an email form a potential client, he/she sometimes put one or more of his/her colleagues in CC. In the Messages tab, I'd like to have the possibility to click on those persons in CC and say "Add to the company or create a new contact", something like that.

    Hope you'll think of it as a new feature.
    Keep up the great work!

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  6. full wysiwyg editor

    I noticed that while we can do bolden etc, there is a lack of editing capabilities for those that aren't fluent in HTML within messages as well as the Signature input for Nimble. Im sure that we can benefit form the full text editor in all areas - including hyperlinks, bulletpoints and many of the other provided functions would be extremely helpful.

    Thank you!

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    At this time, we don’t plan on building a text editor into Nimble that shows wsiwyg. I recommend using a free tool like to check on code and the resources at Simple HTML is not too difficult with a little bit of practice. I’m not an expert at all, and I’m able to get by.



  7. unread

    Add Unread email filter to message screen. The current chronological list for email is not very useful. I have to troll back many screens to see unread email I know is back there somewhere. Without unread filter I find the email list unusable and am forced away from Nimble back to my email client more than I'd like. I assume Nimble isn't suppossed to replace email - but having the email list the way it is now just falls too sort of useful. I end up doing my work in gmail, remembering a contact then coming to nimble, searching for…

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  9. Could i have the labels shown in gmail message (folders) in the message , as i have some email tagged to labels in my gmail account ?

    Could i have the labels shown in gmail message (folders) in the message , as i have some email tagged to labels in my gmail account ?

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  10. Gmail folder assignment support

    I love the near* seamless integration with Gmail in the system. However I utilize many sub folders to organize my emails and I would love to be able to switch over to using Nimble only, vs keeping both nimble and my email open. As it stands, should i receive invoices as an example I have to open my webmail to assign the email including the invoice to the invoices folder i have set up rather than doing it directly in Nimble.

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  11. wise stamp

    many times I have to send email from gmail, out from nimble because of the email signature, I cannot build a similar sing to mine at gmail, with the nimble editor.
    I propose the integration with wise stamp, so it is posible to share the same signature:


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  12. Give the ability to sync more than 90 days of email messages for contacts

    I have emails related to contacts that are older than 90 days that I'd like to have for easy reference from Nimble. I suggest giving the users the option of syncing further back than 90 days.

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  13. Have folders for different email boxes

    I really like Nimble however the only thing that may make me cancel this service is the fact that all of the emails come to one email box. I have 4 different email addresses that I have loaded into Nimble and I would like to be able to view them separately instead of having them in one large inbox. PLEASE create an option to separate your messages from different emails into different viewable inboxes within the system.

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  14. Allow any email to be attached to any contact

    I often receive emails through other email addresses that I want to associate with my contacts. I definitely do not want to associated/link all of those email accounts with nimble as that would cause a flood of messages in my nimble account. I would, however, like to be able to forward those messages to the email address I am bringing into nimble and then associate that email with a contact. Currently, this isn't possible since the email (a forward) technically comes from me. The other workaround is to copy and paste the email into messages, but that's tedious. I just…

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  15. Delete selected messages WITHOUT the "Are you sure" prompt

    When I select many messages to delete (much are spam), I get "Are you sure you want to delete all selected messages?" every time, which I find irritating. Gmail does not do this, and I believe for the very reason it's irritating. (If this is supposed to protect people from themselves, then, imo, there should at least be a preference choice of one way or the other in settings.)

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  16. Emails are connected to records based on email addresses / emails sent or cc'd I believe as well - this is great. I often email other par

    Perhaps a way to address the idea that I and others are requesting to connect Emails to records above and beyond those linked via the email address, is to use the Subject Line. So if 2 parties in a company for example are discussing a contact via email and they want that to be connected automatically to the database they could enter <customer name> in the Subject. CONTACTS - MESSAGES - INTEGRATIONS

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  17. remove users without losing their messages

    When you remove a user Nimble currently deletes all their messages from the system. This goes against the whole ethos of a CRM system - the idea is surely that the company maintains the relationship with the customer even when the individual user moves on.

    "All messages and activities associated with this user will be permanently deleted."

    We should be allowed to keep messages even when removing users so that other staff can carry on when the user leaves the organisation.

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    Hi Toby,

    Thank you for writing in and suggesting this feature. We are reviewing how we can implement this into Nimble and look forward to sharing more information about this feature in 2013.

    Best regards,

    The Nimble Team

  18. It would be nice to update contact information while in inbox view.

    It would be great to update contact information for a contact in right window while looking at messages. Much harder to copy and past contact numbers from messages back to the edit window of the contact.

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  19. Control privacy of messages in inbox

    Lock symbol should be a toggle switch. I want to be able to run quickly through my messages and edit the privacy of each quickly. Clicking on the message, changing it, and then coming back to the inbox contains 2 unnecessary clicks!


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    Thank you for writing in and submitting this feature request.

    We are currently placing this feature request under review and we will share more information as soon as we have more information to share.

    In the meantime, please continue to vote for this feature if you would like our Product team to implement it in Nimble.

    Thank you for your feedback and support!

    Best regards,


  20. The colors used in message titles/senders seem inconsistent

    It may just be me, but I find that the colors used in the message tab for subject lines and senders are inconsistent and as a result, confusing.

    For example:

    • In one message thread with 4 messages from the same person, one instance of the recipient name is blue, but the others are black, even though they come from the same email address, and the email address is already in Nimble. (i.e. the email address should be recognized by the system in each instance).

    • Inside a message thread, I thought that when names appear green, it means I'm not connected…

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