Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
If you have an urgent question about your account or implementing a feature, please write us directly at or tweet us at We are available M-F from 9-5 Pacific.
258 results found
Separate Tasks / Events lists view
In the Activities Tab have the option to view only a Tasks list or an Events list
3 votesHi,
You can now view Tasks and Events in separate lists in the Activities Tab in Nimble. Thank you for your suggestion!
Add more info/options to tasks
I'm in the middle of trying out a bajillion different CRMs and am narrowing it down to yours and a couple others.
I think you have the potential to do "social" better than anyone else- you're the only ones who get the value in having a contact's entire history/activity easily accessible, and you don't suck like Salesforce. Thank you for that!
I also love the idea of assigning tasks; I currently have to juggle "Waiting Fors," "actions" etc. between spreadsheets, gmail, hootsuite- it sucks!
if I had a magic wand I'd have a "stuff" bucket I could easily go through,…
3 votes -
support for .eml attachments and vCalendar attachments (invites)
We need to know there are attachments on an email, and have the ability to download them. Specifically, support for .eml and calendar appointment requests.
3 votesHi,
Nimble now supports all email attachments, so just download the .emi attachments from within Nimble and everything should work fine!
If you have any trouble, please write us at and we’ll be more than happy to help out!
Best regards,
In the messages screen, make it display the contacts profile rather than mine
If I click on an email message in a contacts record to see the last email I sent them, when the messages screen opens up the profile info it displays on the right hand side is mine rather than the contact who I sent the email to. Would be better if this was the contacts profile!
(Before I ring someone I often open the last email conversation so would be helpful to be able to see their contact details at the same time as the email being open)
3 votesHi Steve,
If you click on a message thread, you will see the contact’s profile on the right-hand side while on the Messages Tab.
Also, if you receive a message from a contact that isn’t in Nimble, you will see the option to import them into Nimble as soon as you click on their name in the email thread.
If you have any questions, please reply to this thread and we’ll be happy to help!
Best regards,
Direct Message for Twitter
Direct Message for Twitter needs to show the count down to 140 characters. At the moment its guess work.
3 votesHi,
We now show the character count for Twitter DM’s.
Thank you for your feedback and support.
Best regards,
Update the contact history screen so that we can see more information on logged activities
The new GUI prevents us from seeing the additional text entered when logging activities. This is really important as it allows users to quickly scan the previous activities and see what the results were of each logged activity.
3 votes -
social profiles intergration better
when editing a person, and you want to add social profile (e.g. facebook), you should be able to search by user name, not only insert addres
3 votesHi,
You can now add social profiles by the username of that contact on Twitter.
For accounts such as LinkedIn and Facebook, you will still need to add their profile URL because of how we access their API.
Thank you for your feedback and support.
One click "star" a Task
I think it would be handy to be able to review the list of tasks and "star" and "unstar" from that same view. This way you can update "starred" items from previous, but select the top 5 or 10 task to focus on for the morning or day.
Right now it is a 3-click process. Open the task. Star the task. Save the task. THEN you can sort and filter the list for a focused effort. Just thinking of ways to make Nimble simpler and more effective
3 votesHi David,
Thank you for writing to us. You may now star a task while viewing it from the list view on the Activities tab. All you need to do is hover your mouse over the task, and you’ll see the option to star it on the right-hand side.
Thank you for your feedback and support.
Add a drop-down box to social stream widget in contact record
The social stream is great but, if that person is on Twitter, it generally becomes a "twitter only" stream. I know that we can use the "person" icon to see all of that contact's social streams on the various networks but that takes me to a new page. If we had a drop down box at the top of the widget where we could select "All" or one of the networks (Twitter,Facebook, LinkedIn, G+), that would be awesome!
3 votesHi,
Instead of adding a drop-down box to the social stream widget, we added a social stream sub-tab so you can segment your contacts’ streams by social account.
Thank you for your feedback and support!
include a link to the full, original post in the Social network stream
In Facebook, if you click on the date/time associated with a post/update, you are taken to a unique URL dedicated to the original post and all of its comments. I'd like to have the same functionality in Nimble, so that I can link out to the original post URL.
3 votesHi,
We now link out to the full post from the social stream on the Signals tab.
Thank you for your feedback and support!
Best regards,
Show previous job title in Daily Update
I think the daily update is great for seeing when contacts change their jobdescriptions.
However, I would find it very usefull if I could see the previous jobtitle in the e-mail (or the log on the website), so that I could see if people actually got a new job, or simply updated the description of their current job.3 votesHi,
We now show previous job titles on our Today page and in our Nimble Daily when contacts change jobs.
Thank you for your feedback and support!
Make the search bar more prominent
It'd be great if you made the search bar easier to get to. It's currently placed over to the right and not very prominent. What'd be great is if it was better placed, close to the main buttons people use, such as adding contacts.
3 votes -
improve the speed of nimble
some of my team have refrained from using the site because it can feel very slow. it is not an internet speed issue, it feels like your servers are taking a while to churn through things
3 votesHi,
If you are having issues with performance and Nimble, can you please email us at with details about your account and your system so we can investigate further?
Best regards,
-The Nimble Team
link the Related To field in Activities to the Contact, and make a drop down
When linking to a Deal I need to remember what I called it (or someone else). When I add a Contact in the Activity,make the Related To a drop-down of deals associated with the contact/company...simplify usage
3 votesHi,
You may relate an activity to both a deal and a contact when creating a deal. Please see our screenshot here:
For performance reasons, we do not plan on changing this flow, but it would be a good idea to revisit this feature in the future. For now, we must decline it.
Thank you for your feedback and support!
Add the ability to add a custom email signature
I love the messaging features but there must be a way to customize the email signature - even if there was a simple text editor with the ability to upload a company logo within the signature.
3 votes -
Have a setting that will automatically unlock emails
95% of the time our team needs to be able to see the email communication that our other team members have. Its a pain to have to manually unlock every single email. We would greatly prefer to have a setting that would automatically unlock all emails. The user could then choose to manually lock an email if it needs to be kept private.
3 votesHi Josh,
Thank you for writing to us.
By default, we set all user’s emails to private to give them the option to share their emails and this setting can be changed.
To have your team members set all of their emails to ‘Public’ have them go to Settings >> Networks & Imports and select the ‘Lock’ icon next to their email account. This will set all messages to ‘Public’.
After taking this step, all messages will be viewable by team members.
If your team members have any specific threads they want to leave private, select the ‘Lock’ icon on your specific message thread.
For more information, please see our support article here:
If you have any other questions, please reply to us on this thread or write us at
All the best,
3 votes
Hi Nelson,
Thank you for writing in today.
We currently allow for our users to complete and create another task when viewing a task in the task pop-up window.
Please see our screenshot for an example:
If you have any questions, please let us know!
Best regards,
defualt contact field values
This has been said before by others, but it is extremely annoying to have the default phone category set to "home fax". None of my contacts has a home fax. The default should be set to "work" for a business CRM. And same goes for email and address, both are set to "home" by default. all of these should be set to "work" by default if the default can't be set by the user. Until then, it means that every contact entered requires extra effort.
3 votesHi Doug,
We just released an update today to fix this issue, but we chose “Main” to be the primary field value for Phone numbers.
Here’s the new hierarchy we have for field values:
Phone modifiers in this order:
1. Main
2. Work
3. Mobile
4. Home
5. Work Fax
6. Home Fax
7. OtherEmail modifiers
1. Work
2. Personal
3. OtherAddress modifier
1. Work
2. Home
3. OtherIf you have any questions, please write back to me at and I’ll be happy to help.
Best regards,
Stay in touch
I love Nimble, but I do miss the Stay In Touch feature with A way to send an email for a contact to validate or update their information, and remove bounced records where the email is no longer valid
Would love this feature in Nimble. Perhaps there is a way to do it through MailChimp to send out information on contacts and have people update it through some portal. I do not know but would love it.
3 votes -
Relate contact to Task or Follow up
IN the engagement possibilites window we have the ability to select to follow up later with the person or social entity. WHen a follow up task is created and added to the calendar it does so without relating the contact we need to follow up wiht.
That means when we follow up, we have to then find that contact or do it on our own through our SM Channel. That is an amazing waste of time. These contacts should be auto related to the task and follow up should be an easy task from within the event itself.
3 votes
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