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258 results found

  1. Google SSO for iPhone App

    Allow Google Apps customers top sign into Nimble iPhone app with Google Apps credentials.

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    Thank you for writing in today.

    We offer a link shortener in our Status Update box in Nimble.

    It is located in the lower right-hand side of the status box, and if you select it, your links should be shortened.

    If you have any questions, please email, and we’ll be happy to help.



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  4. enable hyperlinks directly from email

    I would like to be able to create a hyperlink directly from text in an email. I often want to refer people to information on my website. You can "bold", "underline" etc by using the icons at the top of an email, "insert hyperlink" would be very useful. It's messy to send messages from Gmail, but that's the only way round this problem I have found.

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    Hi Brandy,

    Nimble already has task notification emails when tasks are assigned, completed, or deleted by a team member.

    We also include all upcoming tasks and events in our Nimble Daily email.

    To make sure that you have these features enabled, please go to Settings >> Notifications in Nimble.

    For more information on task notifications, please see our article here:

    Task Notifications

    Best regards,


  6. Show tags in search results

    Give me the option to show Tags in search results. It would help with 1) ensuring my tags were added correctly (which has been an issue for me) and 2) allow me to quickly determine who to contact (as I use tags for that)

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  7. Multiple Deal Pipelines

    Allow the feature to add multiple pipelines in the Deals tab in Nimble. Not all Sales processes move down the same pathway, and this will help us manage multiple deal-types.

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    We’re happy to announce that we now have multiple deal pipelines in Nimble!

    If you have a Nimble account, navigate to Settings >>Pipelines to add a new pipeline.

    If you no longer have a Nimble account, it’s a great time to come back to see all of the new features we’ve added in the past year. Sign up for a free trial at!

    To learn more about Multiple Deal Pipelines, check out our blog post here –



  8. Please show more tags in Activities List view. Thanks!

    In the List view of the Activities page it would be great if you could please make the Tags column wider so that you are able to see more. I can currently only see one if it's short enough.


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  9. Allow customers to select their own important contacts

    The current "3 per day" is placing all control in the hands of Nimble - instead of where it should be - in the hands of the user.

    This is a serious limitation of functionality.

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  10. Please update the mobile app to include more useful information about a client

    Please update the mobile app to include more useful information about a client

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  11. Ability to sort by Klout score

    It would be great if Nimble allowed me to find my most influential contacts by having the ability to sort by Klout score.

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  12. intelligently generate stay in touch reminders based on ongoing interactions instead of scheduling reminders via task due dates

    When NimbleCRM asks if a contact is important and how often I want to stay in touch with that contact, I would like Nimble to remind me if I fall out of contact with that person, not tell me to follow up with someone on an arbitrary date set in the future.

    Here's how it would work.

    1. I interact with an important contact via email.
    2. Nimble asks me if this contact is important, I say "Yes"
    3. Nimble presents the choice, "Help me stay in touch: Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Annually"
    4. I select "Quarterly"
    5. Nimble starts tracking how long it's been…
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  13. Enable mass delete of contacts through holding down shift key between edges

    There seems no easy way to "clean up" the contact list - Propose that the DB does what most do and allow us to select one, hold the shift through to the next one we want to key and highlight a whole list for deletion easily.

    As it is a clean up seems too awesome a task - or am I missing something?

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  14. Next Micro-Step After Merge

    ... allow my Merge action to be followed by my being back in the List.

    Right now: After I click merge, I am placed into the merged resulting contact. What I really want to do is to see the list from where I left it, so I can continue. Nimble forces me to do yet another click and wait for the list to update

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  15. have a description field in contacts so we can place long-form notes that should always stay front and center.

    I work in a company that is all about building relationships. Part of building relationships is knowing things about that person such as their goals and motivations, their working styles and preferences, that stay fairly consistent over time.

    I would like to be able to write these kinds of notes and have them show up directly in a contact's profile in Nimble for my entire team to have access to. Right now there is no good way to display this kind of very important information.

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  16. I would like the ability to designate contacts as important, rather than being asked.

    Rather than being asked (through some cycled time intervals), I'd like to designate contacts as "Important" on my own.

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  17. exclude personal Facebook posts/likes/comments from all feeds

    I would like to exclude personal Facebook posts/likes/comments from all feeds by default, especially on the Today and Social pages? I only want to see my activity from my company. People wishing me happy birthday on my personal Facebook page or commenting on friend's pictures from their vacation are not likely leads for my business.

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  18. Show the Stay In Touch button on all contacts, not just the contacts surfaced on the Today tab.

    i really like the new stay in touch button next to contacts on the Today tab, it should be available on any contact anywhere in the system.

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  19. Nimble - Hubspot dialog

    Yes, we can see when a contact has Hubspot activity as it appears in the "Number of clicks" that show up in Nimble's records for that contact.

    But it would be useful to also see not only activity....but also...exactly what document (newsletter-white paper-ebook-etc) was clicked on.

    It would tell us a lot about the prospect without having to go back to Hubspot to find out.

    Thanks, John

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  20. Mark tasks as completed straight from the To do Today View

    Right now the To do Today view mixes events and tasks together. I find this very confusing because Events are time dependent, but tasks do not need to be.

    Instead, please add a checkbox next to tasks so that I can easily differentiate them and then allow me to click on each checkbox to mark it complete.

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