Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
If you have an urgent question about your account or implementing a feature, please write us directly at or tweet us at We are available M-F from 9-5 Pacific.
1417 results found
Integrate NIMBLE and VIADEO
It would be great to integrate NIMBLE and viadeo with is a powerfull network in FRANCE
1 vote -
please turn off the red box in gmail, it's driving me potty.
please turn off the red box in gmail, it's driving me potty.
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Automatically log a touch when sending a message
It would be great to have the system automatically log a touch with a contact when you send a message. Maybe have a checkbox to allow it to be logged or something.
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Display entire (all lines of) Twitter Direct Messages rather than the first line of text.
Only the the first line of text of Twitter direct messages is displayed in the Messages tab and when I open the message, which forces me to leave Nimble and go to Twitter to find the message.
1 vote -
Show "re-import contacts" on accounts for which I have already imported contacts. It's confusing as to which accounts need to be updated.
In the "Networks and Imports" section, Nimble shows "import contacts" on accounts for which I have already imported contacts. That makes it confusing because it is unclear whether contacts have already been imported.
I would suggest it show "re-import contacts" on accounts that have already imported, and show a "last synced on [date]" message next to it. Better yet, it would be helpful to have regular syncing taking place behind the scenes natively (without some 3rd party sign up).
1 vote -
Emails NOT WORKING AT ALL! Emails from nimble showing " email sent" flyover, but NO ACTUAL EMAIL SENT!
"Email Sent" flyover coming up in Nimble,, but NOT showing in sent emails in nimble and when I go and look at my actual corresponding gmail, there have been NO emails sent since june 8th, this is a HUGE PROBLEM!!!!!
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allow multiple email addresses on invoices (and for clients)
Some of my clients have requested to have invoices sent to multiple email addresses. Is it possible to assign multiple email addresses to a client so that the invoice is sent to all listed email addresses? Or is that handled by setting up multiple email addresses within the contact info for each client?
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Why only list main phone number on contact screen. Have all the numbers to reach contact.
List multiple phone numbers on contact.
1 vote -
problem with group emails from a tag
if i select an email from a contact and i can select which email i use but when i select a tag group and then want to sent a group email it only presents my google email. not the one i se as my primary one.
can you not offer the same choice of emails when sending a group email, the look up table is there but only one email appears. Thanks
Peter sturrock1 vote -
provide a way to re-order email templates
I have a list of email templates, but the ones I created first are not the ones I use the most. I would like to be able to re-order this list so that my most-used templates show up on top.
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On Activities Create new or Edit task, there is only 5 rows that you can see. Could you make that box bigger, since there is room to expand. Sometimes tasks contain lot of text.
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add the time (hh:mm) when the "Log Touch" was created
In addition to adding the date for every "Log Touch" - please add the time at which the "LogTouch" was created.
This could be very useful for call center purposes and help follow the exact time a call or note was made. Thanks1 vote -
Can you add the ability to enter a contact or company that is not in your contacts? At a minimum, ability to quick add.
When I enter a 'New Deal' one issue I have encountered is the inability to enter the deal if I do not have the Contact or Company in my list of contacts. The issue with this is what if the opportunity is not a current contact and I may not want to add them yet. I should at a minimum be able to add the contact/company without going back to contacts and then re-entering the Deal information I lost. Maybe consider a quick add feature at a minimum.
1 vote -
Fix the speed on Chrome. I can use Firefox but prefer Chome. The system is painfully slow, taking 2-5 seconds to load and become responsive.
Fix speed on Chrome
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add a section in contact details that asks for education background
Many networking relationships are through educational institutions, but I'm not seeing where that information is added in contact details
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Google Contacts - Pie Sync
I signed up for Nimble in part for the reasonable price of $25/month. However, I am disappointed to learn that I now need Pie Sync in order to sync Nimble to Google Contacts. Pie Sync is $5/month is you have less than 1,000 contacts but then jumps to $25/month. So now Nimble is potentially 2x as expensive. I would like Nimble to address this functionality within Nimble and not ask their users to rely/purchase another solution which potentially doubles the price of the product. Kinda insane. Or perhaps work with Pie Sync to lower the price.
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make email tracking more accurate
I noticed that when I open or click a link on a tracked email that I will get a notification telling me that the recipient took these actions. This can be very confusing later on when analyzing tracking data. Please make email tracking more accurate. Thanks!
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stop the search bar from moving on mouse over
it feels like i play catch me if you can with the buttons since you made the search bar enlarging on mouse over. what a bad idea to make things move while working - please reconsider.
1 vote -
Have a better closed Deal structure
Create frequency (e.g monthly) value of all closed (successful deals). Example I have (rep or Co. etc) have 28k p/m in revenue. It would be nice to know what the company revenues are from sales........per rep, customer some of our customers are contracted. No a one off close.
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Make email open notifications work with Google Inbox
Make email open notifications work with Google Inbox
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?