Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
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1417 results found
I'm shocked at how bad the auto-detect is on for the merge feature. I imported several sources with overlapping data and went from 1300 to more than 4000 contacts, many of which have exactly the same first and last name. This needs to be much more automated and, like someone else mentioned, you should have the ability to choose which data become primary.
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1 vote
Make never contacted a searchable field (and make last contacted field editable)
I want to be able to search for all users that I have not contacted yet and then contact them through whatever means I have and log touch.
This use case is frustrating me because firstly I cannot search by not contacted, this field must contain a date to be searchable, but then I connot update the date manually when I click log touch. I expect it to update the last contacted field. Otherwise what is the point of log touch??
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Not able to see all contact informamtion
I have added all the contact information but when I try to look by company I am not able to see even if I go into the contact the contact person or other information.
Same as if when in people some times do not see the company information.
Would like to know why all information in all catagories is not showing up.
When in company it ask me for a contact person, I have already put that in People along with the company information.
Something is not merging1 voteHi Bill,
Thank you for reaching out.
This case reached our Feature Request forum, but it’s best suited to reach us at Nimble Customer Care via
Can you please share more details with us at to help us clarify the issue?
I get this error message constantly: Something unexpected has happened. If the issue continue to persist, please contact our support team and pass them following error id: <em>9fd537F1fe4962c9FF1F7f2f32f1E6dA</em><br/><br/><a href="">Contact our support team</a>
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Add ability to add a segment that differentiates by contact type (person / company).
example -- I want to create a filter/segment that only shows companies that have a specific tag. I need something like that is in place for the "importance" field. Is this a company or person.
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Add ability to search for text within notes across all contacts
I expected when going to search box to be able to search across notes text. This seems like something that is a basic requirement if you are not going to do integration with something like evernote.
example -- I want to enter some text in the search box and have all the contacts that have notes with this text appear in a list.
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update this page when a project has been completed.
I see some things on here from 2014 that have already been completed and it makes voting confusing and I don't want to accidentally waste my votes. Also how many votes does something have to get in order for you to consider it?
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Click into other tags
When trying to click into other tags you have to click away from the tag and then your desired, this should just be one click
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Nimble Widget: Allow check-box set up of relevant fields
It would be great if I could, in the Chrome Nimble Widget, enable / disable the relevant fields that I use all the time when creating a new contact from my In Box.
I usually scroll all the way down to the bottom of the widget twice - once to add an address, and the other time to add the Lead Type.
Please allow a means to enable / disable fields in the Widget - or better yet, just "bubble up" the most used fields. Thanks!
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Parse Addresses automatically and place in relevant fields in Nimble
Select a block of address text, copy and past into Nimble or Nimble Widget, automatically parse into the correct fields in Nimble.
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add one more contact frequency - 2/year.
I just had a client request a twice a year frequency for contact. Rather than having many more options for contact frequency, maybe add a fill-in-the-blank for frequency that would accommodate a variable number of days or weeks between contacts. User definable frequency of contact.
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Fix Bug Adding Entry to Google Calendar
When you add a calendar event and specify the associated Google calendar (not the Nimble calendar), the entry in the Google calendar is added as UTC. The time zone (EST) is in fact set correctly in the Nimble settings and in the Google Calendar settings. So this looks like a bug.
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make the fonts darker ...too small to read without glasses
Biography font too small
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Take more information from a company's website
It'd be great to use the information that's on a company's website to the max. When I add a contact I always add the company first and then link them. But things such as the "about" section, or the company e-mail adresses or phone number are all usually on the website but are not automatically fed in Nimble.
Another thing that would be awesome to have is the person's description on the website. Quite often when you deal with executive level managers (or with smaller companies), there is a full description / bio of a lot of employees on the…
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Sort suggested social profiles by location according to contact's address
Suggested social profiles should be sorted according to contact's address whenever possible. Say I create a contact and specify an address, with all the fields (city, state, country). It doesn't make sense to be suggested contacts from Paris if I told Nimble my contact is in New York. Many Linked In, Twitter and Google+ profiles have some geographic region information. It's not necessary to make complex geolocation queries and sort by distance. Probably just string matching (city, state, and country) should be enough to improve this. Common names are most affected by this behavior.
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Domain Email Integration
I use my domain email address to send most messages through my gmail currently. Can we have that capability for messages to display from domain emails in nimble?
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Take The Tour not working
First day with Nimble; Tried to "take the tour" to get an overview and it doesn't work. Both Chrome and Safari... :(
Clicked on "Next Steps", nothing happened. Any ideas?
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please allow attachments to TASK
It will be great if we can attach a files and images to TASK.
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Figure out why custom data fields only appear half the time.
Seriously. Need to refresh a contact page about half the time just to get custom data fields/custom tabs to load under the Contact Info Tab. It's not me, it's definitely you :) Cleared Chromes's cache and yada, yada, done everything on my end. Please, don't be like Zoho, please make sure your work works. Thank you :)
1 vote
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