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1417 results found

  1. Flashlight recommendation.

    Please recommend a cheap flashlight.

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  2. Flashlight recommendation.

    Please recommend a cheap flashlight.

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  3. Game Issues With Latest Arcade.

    If you find any games that are not working or submitting a score of 0 please post them here in the arcade support section with the name of the game and what issue is happening.

    I noticed Crazy 7 game was submitting a score of 0 and replace it and it works fine now.

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  4. Do You Wear Your Hearing Aids to the Dentist or Not - and Other Places You Avoid Wearing Your HA’s?

    I have a regular 6-month dental checkup coming up in the next month or two (my first since getting my first ever HA’s) and I was wondering if it’s a good idea to wear my HA’s while getting my teeth cleaned. Was thinking that the hygienist wears a mask to avoid breathing aerosols and a slight amount of splatter falls down on the glasses that they give me to wear. While lying reclined in a dental chair, it seems like my HA mics would mostly be pointed away from such stuff and maybe not susceptible to any aerosols?

    I first…

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  5. Church keeps talking about money

    2 years ago my church was much smaller, never talked about money, and preached straight from the Bible. I remember being refreshed by large portions of the sermons being read directly from the Word. Now things seem different. The church is growing LARGE, has a new BIG worship center (financed), and seems to talk about money and tithing a lot more while always mentioning how "generous" our church is. It is starting to set off red flags for me...

    For at least the past 4 services my church has been asking/talking about money. A few weeks ago they had someone…

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  6. English speaking Spanish lawyers

    Evening guys,

    could somebody please recommend a lawyer to help me through the process of buying a property on the costa del sol please?
    im getting really anxious/nervous about transferring a lot of money through to someone I’ve never personally met with or know.
    thank you guys.

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  7. Add Field-Specific Workflow Automations

    It would be great to add an additional automation option to workflows that could change data in a particular field within a contact record. For example, if I move a contact from a "Need to Research" stage to a "Researched" stage within a workflow, perhaps this could trigger their Lead Status to change to "Confirmed Lead." I understand this may be difficult as many fields are customizable and different for every Nimble user, but it would be great to incorporate fields (particularly Lead fields) into the possible workflow automations!

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  8. Add LinkedIn to Signals

    I'd love to see LinkedIn as an option within Signals, rather than just Twitter and Facebook.

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  9. Scottish rural surveyor recognised as European valuer

    Written by Michelle Martin from Agriland

    Martin Hall, senior director of Davidson and Robertson, Scotland’s oldest firm of Valuers and Rural Consultants, has been appointed as a Recognised European Valuer (REV) by TEGOVA – the European Group of Valuers’ Association.

    REV status is the mark of excellence in real estate valuation, demonstrating to international and local clients that the valuer is qualified to a consistent high European standard of practice.

    Martin has over 30 years’ experience as a Rural Surveyor and is a past president of the Scottish Agricultural Arbiters’ and Valuers’ Association (SAAVA), an examiner for the Central Association…

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  10. Product & Service Sales Dashboard

    Hi Nimble! I want to connect rich product/service information to a deal/company or even a contact. Not sure if this would be an extension to "Deals" or it's own thing.

    Please consider creating a dashboard to manage products/services that include basic info (price, SKU, discounts, sales teammate, files/templates and custom fields of course). I understand you can do something similar with custom fields, but it would be awesome if it was all built-in.

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  11. Car Finance Becoming Tougher for Consumers

    Auto finance numbers have been growing all year steadily. In July 2021, car financing recorded an all-time high of Rs. 314 billion. The numbers rose to Rs. 326 billion in August, Rs. 338 billion in September, Rs. 346 billion in October, and Rs. 349 billion in November.

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  12. Public pressure washing stations?

    So my car is pretty filthy right now and I'm somewhat reluctant to try and wash it using my usual routine in our current sub zero temperatures. I wash it in the road, quiet road but still, I don't want to get a load of water all over the road, pavement e.t.c. and have myself or a pedestrian slip over or even cause an icy patch for an accident.

    I notice in Germany, you can't drive 100mm without hitting a petrol station and lots seem to have detailing type bays with pressure washers, vacuums e.t.c. attached like we have air…

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  13. The Christmas Brisket Gift

    Each year at Christmas time, I cook up some briskets and give them away as Christmas gifts. I can find nice briskets trimmed to a 1/4 at my local H-E-B and they are about $30 to $40 depending on the size. This year, as my Big Green Eggs are out of commission due to an outdoor kitchen project, I used my Ironwood 885 and I think I have it down pretty well now.

    It's not an expensive gift, but one that requires effort, forethought, planning, and some Que skill. The end results are pretty cool as it's an unexpected type…

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  14. Kids Dentist – Second Opinion?

    My soon to be almost 4 year old went to the dentist this morning. She was there a year ago and all was well. She brushes and flosses. She doesnt floss daily and thats my fault. (after today, this will change) She barely drinks juice because she loves water. She does eat candy but not handfuls. Anyways I feel like a terrible mom at this point. She went to the dentist and they are saying she has 10 cavaties. Im floored. They said her teeth are tight together that once one cavaty forms it spreads sine her teeth are small.…

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  15. 2013 equinox questions

    i have the 2013 ecotec 2.4 lae engine. and as you know they burn oil like a sub. well, i tore it down put in new cast rings and rod bearings plus seals. plus i added a normal pvc system. one thing i also did that i may have to take away is i cleaned out the pvc that sets on the intake at the head. i drilled it then next size larger. now i see that just having this factory system working might be the oil burning issue. plus i read that the timing chain tensioner may leak as…

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  16. Screws and Staples: Metals that are safe?

    Stainless steel, aluminium, brass, copper, zink, …
    What metals are considered safe screws and staples?

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  17. replace couch with desk -impact resale value?

    DW would like to replace the rear couch with a desk. Any thoughts on if it would impact our resale value?
    The desk would be built to match all the woodwork in the camper and we plan on keeping the camper another 5 years or so.


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  18. Play my acoustic guitar through my Marshall Bluetooth speaker with my gateway app

    I have the Marshall gateway app, a multieffects pedal, a interface Focusrite and a accustom guitar but I can’ get any sound out of the speaker! Help!!

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  19. Could you guys give feedback on my essay before I turn it in?

    Could you guys give feedback on my essay before I turn it in?

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  20. High alcohol wines and aging

    We opened a Clos st Jean CDP 2016 yesterday and it was the most alcoholic wine I may have ever tasted. Kind of bummed we have 3 more of these.

    My CT Review:
    In the mountains of Colorado, they have a party rig called a shot-ski (pronounces “shotsky”) where they have a ski with holes in it that they place shot glasses. This wine would be a good choice for said shot glasses given the amount of alcohol it has.
    16% ABV and you feel it as it goes down. Maybe things will get better as it ages or maybe…

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