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1416 results found

  1. expand notes and activities within the history feed instead of making the notes open as a pop-up.

    Right now the only thing we see in the history feed is two lines. When I click on a note to check if it has the info I need, a pop-up opens. When it doesn't have the info I need, I need to move my mouse in order to click back out. I find this very annoying.

    Instead, I would like to be able to click to expand the note within the history stream. This way, if it's the wrong note, I can easily click in the same place to collapse the note.

    In addition, this functionality goes hand…

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  2. Add check list to deal stages

    It would be great if it was possible to add checklists of tasks to be completed before you could move a deal to the next stage.

    And it would be even greater if a deal with checklists could be saved as a template for future deals.

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  3. Allow pressing the Enter key in the description box for a contact's new tast/event

    When you add a task on a contact page and type a description, hitting the Enter key will submit the form and create the task. This is a pain when all you want is to add a line break in the description box. It creates the task before you have completely described it.
    Please, allow us to press Enter to add multiple lines to a task description.

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  4. phone

    When I initiate a phone call or text message from the Nimble iOS application, the call or text should be automatically logged in the Pending & History tab for the contact.

    Also, the contact's "Contacted # days ago" should be automatically updated to reflect the true value. At the moment, I have people I contacted by phone today and Nimble still thinks I contacted them weeks ago.

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  5. Allow deals to be duplicated for regular recurring deals

    For customers who pay on a monthly basis for products & services it would be useful to have the facility to simply duplicate an existing deal instead of having to create it every month.

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  6. log calls through mobile apps, e.g. iPhone app

    Since the mobile app has a button to call someone, it would be nice if using that button were logged as an activity.

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  7. Email Formatting Toolbar

    It would be great if there was an option to change the Text Colour and Text Background Colour when writing emails on the Email Formatting Toolbar.

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  8. Use the task action icon to show its status (incomplete / completed)

    If one is used to a traditional task list where tasks can be checked off or unchecked, then the checkmark icon beside ALL tasks is kind of confusing. I'm a pretty visual person and would like if the icon told me right away which tasks still need attention. Perhaps use a red icon, or perhaps show an empty checkbox for incomplete tasks... I'm sure your graphic designers can come up with something :)

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  9. group messaging

    The group messaging feature is great but very limiting given that if I open to see what I sent out (from the group message section) it then reads that as an "open". Also, when you go to the contact it doesn't indicate whether it was opened, click through. No bounce back tracking. Right now, it's barely a step above manual tracking. When I've inquired, I've been told that these issues are recognized and in process, but no idea when. These are enough of an issue with volume to make me change from Nimble to another CRM, whether I want to…

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  10. Auto Purge Email - I don't want extra storage

    I don't want to buy extra email storage and I don't want to have to delete and reinstall it. I want an option to reduce the email that Nimble keeps. I don't need it to store all my email.... only the relevant ones... which is MUCH less space.

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  11. Duplicate Contacts

    There should be option of identifying the duplicate contacts in your address book which were not merged during import. It can be on basis of first name, email id or phone no.

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    Thank you for writing in and submitting this feature.

    Unfortunately,we must decline this feature request. Our current merge algorithm seems to eliminate the chance of duplicate contacts appearing in Nimble since this feature was first submitted. In light of our merge improvements, we have decided that a duplicate identifier will be unnecessary for Nimble.

    Thank you for your feedback and support for Nimble!

    Best regards,


  12. Tag context

    Tags are great, but they can loose their meaning over time, especially when multiple people start using them. Why not add the ability to have a comment behind a tag to preserve the context / meaning? If you hover over the tag, the comment should pop up. This adds context to the tag.

    e.g. I have a tag "Dead cold call". The meaning of this tag is: "A cold call confirmed as dead, and should never be invited again. We keep these contact records for networking, and to know we should not invite them to use our product again."

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  13. Show more tags (and/or custom fields) for the Company part of the Person contact view.

    That one to the right. Just leave them uncollapsed by default.

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    Thank you for submitting this feature request regarding our display of tags in Nimble. At the current moment, we feel satisfied with our tag display and we do not plan on changing to a collapsable list.

    We appreciate your feedback and support for Nimble and we definitely encourage you to vote for other features on our forum, we love feedback!

    Best regards,


  14. Nesting of tags or subtags to allow better organization and less clutter

    Allow tags to be nested under another, for example if I had contacts with the tag "Conferences" I could then have sub-tags under that for specific conferences where the contact came from.

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    Thanks for submitting this request. We definitely see value in being able to add sub-tags to your current tags for better organization.

    This request is under review and if it receives more votes, we’ll invest more time in bringing it to completion.


  15. make it easier to view contacts by making more contacts visable on the screen

    right now i have 24 pages of contacts and it would nice to see more than 8 or 9 at a time,,,,,,i have to scroll down the page and then click on a number or scroll all the way back up to use the search box. Put a search box at the bottom too,,,,and also why not an alphabet at the bottom so i can quickly go to the section without guessing which number is the "s" section.

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  16. Export or send Activities via email

    It will be nice to have an export as .ICS or email activity.

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    Unfortunately, we do not plan to send email activity exports out of Nimble for reporting purposes.

    This currently falls out of the scope of our product.

    Thank you for your feedback and support for Nimble!

  17. Hi. I want to collaborate in social with Viadeo.... How can i do that?

    Theres another social networkers that we can use...

    How can we integrated here?

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  18. Create Email Label for "No Longer Current" Contact Email Addresses

    We currently can label an email address as "Work," "Personal," or "Other."

    I suggest a fourth label to indicate an expired, no longer current or invalid email address that we could use when a Contact changes employers.

    For example, when Suzie Q leaves Acme Widget Company, suzieq@acmewidget is no longer an email to reach this person, nor is it a valid email to reach anyone at Acme Widget Company.

    However, I do not want to delete this email address because I want to keep all of the correspondence associated with it.

    I'd like to keep those messages associated with the…

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  19. 7 votes

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  20. Add quick add contact link in search result view

    Add quick link to add a contact in the search result view to add contact when no contacts match.

    Right now, you can only refine your search or delete it. Nine out of ten times, when I get a "No Contacts Matching" message, I will want to ADD the contact (person or company)

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