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1416 results found

  1. Allow to associate multiple People to Company as a quick action.

    I need to be able to associate my contacts with the companies I am trying to target and quickly see them when I look at the company information.

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  2. put a feedback tab inside the nimble application

    this makes double sense since uservoice offers a modal-window widget

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    Thank you for writing in.

    For now, we have a “Help” button in the top-right of Nimble. If you have any issues, this will help you to share feedback with Nimble’s customer care team.

    Best regards,


  3. leave calendar events on "Activities" until cleared or note added

    If I have a meeting, I want/need to enter notes about the meeting. Hoewever the current settings clear the event from the overview view.

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  4. Add ability to delete social posts of others from your stream once you have viewed them

    put a delete option to the right of each social post that is aggregated in your stream. That way each time you check in you know you're viewing new social posts. The Gist app handles this task well.

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  6. Customized Deal amount

    By: Stephen Feldman

    It would be nice to have a customized deal amount category such as $500k for 25% as opposed to just a dollar figure.

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  7. 1 vote

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    Unfortunately, we’re not able to sync Nimble with your cell phone’s text messages because texts aren’t stored in the cloud.

    If Apple opens up iMessages to the public, then we could look at integrating with that platform in the future, but this feature will remain declined for now because there is no solution available right now. I’m sorry!

    Best regards,


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  9. Enable Calendar and Task to use hyperlinks in notes.

    I think the above says it all. Enable hyperlinks with in calendar and tasks. I am sure there are other fields or custom fields that this would be handy. Just an example, you make an email a task or event, only because it contains all the detail you need for that activity.

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  10. 1 vote

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  11. Buttons should be color coded.

    Buttons should be color coded because right now all buttons seem to be grayed out. Submit buttons can be made Green etc.

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  12. Enable a higher-contrast mode for visually-impaired users


    I just did a session with a client. His main problem with Nimble is the difficulty in navigation, especially because of the lack of contrast between the grey/transparent text/icons used in many areas and the white of the webpage.

    Please allow for a "high-contrast" stylesheet that will use darker colors for our older/visually-impaired users.

    Thanks in advance.

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  13. Choosing which feeds to include in stream

    My stream is jammed with twitter feeds of people I want to keep as contacts, but don't necessarily care about on a day to day basis. It would be great if we could group our contacts so that we only saw the feed of certain groups, or could toggle between the groups. Thanks!

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  16. Ability to Add WebTabs

    As a CRM user I like when I have everything at once place. If we could have ability to create Web tabs that will be good.

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  17. survey monkey

    Please provide an option to integrate into Survey Monkey so that contacts can be selected or enrolled to receive surveys based on our list of master contacts.

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. Tags background colour should be brighter

    I think the grey background of the tags makes the white text difficult to see so it would be better as a brighter colour.

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  20. Compatability with Google Voice Chrome Extension

    The Google Voice Chrome Extension makes phone numbers clickable so that with a couple of clicks I can call with Google Voice. It works on most websites, but not on yours. I'm guessing the GV javascript runs before you download the number. Maybe you could just wrap all numbers with the GV code, see example:

    <span id="gc-number-0" class="gc-cs-link" title="Call with Google Voice">570-123-4567</span>

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