Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
If you have an urgent question about your account or implementing a feature, please write us directly at or tweet us at We are available M-F from 9-5 Pacific.
1417 results found
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add pagination to the top of the screen
add pagination to the top of the screen and not just at the bottom so that you don't have to scroll back down to the bottom of the page after scrolling all the way up to add a tag. (In general duplicate actions at the top that are available at the bottom of lists and vice versa).
1 voteHi,
Thank you for writing in with this request.
We are sorry to decline this feature request as we have decided at this time to not change the pagination we currently feature in Nimble.
Best regards,
1 vote
Free Nimble for single users or 5USD max per month for a single user.
I use Nimble as a "shadow" system on work because the CRM system at work is not optimal for my needs. I love Nimble, but 15 USD per month are to expenisive as a private person. Let it be free for a single user or not more than 5 USD a month
1 voteHi,
Thank you for writing in with your pricing suggestion for Nimble. At this time, we’re happy with our pricing plans and we must decline this feature request.
We suggest any single users to use our free Personal plan if they don’t agree with the pricing for our Business plan.
Best regards,
Deleting multiple roles and sections for monthly deals
We currently use an excel document to track all our deals with a tab for each month, I can't see anything on Nimble that allows you to do this- by the end of the year the won section will be extremely overcrowded.
I also noticed that there is no multiple select when it comes to deleting deals or progressing them to the next stage- it took me well over 3 hours to refresh and update our account, is it possible to add this in?
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Allow delete saved contact search without having to RUN the search
Right now, you only see the "delete" link when a search has been run. That makes deleting multiple searches quite cumbersome. Suggestion would be to add a "delete" option in the left sidebar, right next to the saved search.
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Please let me find people when I search for them.
I am talking to a guy named Bryan from Intel. When I type Bryan Intel into the search box on the contacts page, I'm told that no contact can be found. I can't believe that's the case.
1 voteHi,
At the current moment, our search function will not support searching on multiple values from a contact record on the same search string.
We plan on adding this function to our search, but this will not be added to Nimble until later this year.
For now, my best recommendation is to use the Advanced Search tool by adding two search strings:
- Company [is] Intel
- Name [is] BryanThis should bring up your contact in Nimble.
If you are still having issues locating this contact, please email us at with a screenshot of the issue and we will be able to help out.
Best regards,
Business Version: calculate total number of ongoing deals
It would be easy to calculate total number of ongoing deals and also the success rate as some of deals come through? That would mean that you add an extra stage: successful :-)
1 voteHi,
We definitely have this feature planned for the future. We will update the status of this suggestion once we add it to the Deals tab.
Best regards,
Integration to Smartrecruiters would be lovely for us recruiters.
If I can integreate my deals and contacts with Smartrecruiters this would be the only tool I need to do my job. The recruiting/temp market really need an SAAS that automate our workflow. Right now there are noone doing it right.
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On Contact List can there be a flag to distunguish Company from Individual records?
Hi, I imported a CSV file into a Tag Group recently. Nimble has created individual and company records. when i now look at contacts in the group I see records for people and companies together.
Can you add a criteria box at the top to select Individuals, or Companies or Both, alongside the SORT by name box.
1 voteHi Mark,
Thank you for writing in.
For sorting, we already provide the option to segment contacts by Company or People on the left-hand side of the Contacts tab.
It sounds like you may be sorting contacts out from under the “All” selection under the Contact tab, which results in companies and people mixing together.
If you want to sort by name for Company, be sure to select “Company” on the left-hand side before making your sorting selections.
The same practice is to be taken for People.
I hope that this is helpful. Please write to us at to discuss this in further detail.
Best regards,
In creating events you have to have an e-mail address for the contact, for the contacts profile link to appear in the Activities field. Sometimes the contact might not have a e-mail address. Would be nice to have it link without one as well. See the screen shot about activities screen.
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Make certain you don't miss any important social media networks.
I understand you'll be integrating with other/more social media sites in the near future. Very happy to hear that. Don't forget GOODREADS. It's huge (authors, publishers, book lovers). I just started using Nimble, and I absolutely LOVE it. Someone finally put together an easy-to-use, self-explanatory, familiar-looking all-in-one area to handle all these doggone sites that are so important to those of us who do any kind of internet marketing. Keep up the good work, and you'll have a loyal customer for life!
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Add "share" notices to Social>Notifications
Sharing is the most powerful component in social. How could you ignore this?
It is important to acknowledge those who find your content worth sharing with their spheres of influence.
You must include "share" notices in social>notifications.
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1 vote
Allow users to enter company address in one line
Allow users to enter the address in one line (much like Google Maps allows us to do)
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change stages in deals by every user
Hello, would it be possible for an user to change stages in pipeline of a deal create by another user (each user has different tasks in the pipeline to get to close the deal)
1 voteHi,
Thank you for writing in and suggesting this feature request.
For now, we do not plan on allowing non-owners of deals to edit stages of deals. We may change this feature in the future, but we do not have it in our list of feature enhancements for 2013.
If you have any questions, please email us at and we will be happy to help.
Best regards,
Show type of Twitter relationship on a contact record
It would be very useful if I could see the type of relationship I have to contacts that I follow on Twitter and have in Nimble.
This would help me sort my contacts in Nimble accordingly and allow me to engage with different types of Twitter contacts in different ways.
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Ability to copy things from inside a note.
I love the notes functionality - it's a HUGE part of how we use Nimble. One really REALLY annoying thing? You can't copy / paste things from inside a note. I leave notes for other users on deals, often containing copy for our website relating to that deal. When our content manager goes to create the post, she can't copy anything from the note to paste it into the blog. Very frustrating.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?