Welcome to our feature request forum! Please feel free to vote or submit a new feature you would like for Nimble.
This forum is for feature requests for Nimble to help us gauge what would help you be happier with Nimble.
If you have an urgent question about your account or implementing a feature, please write us directly at or tweet us at We are available M-F from 9-5 Pacific.
1417 results found
Wave Accounting Integration
Wave Accounting Integration - Wave is a micro/small business, cloud based accounting package. Ability to flow deals to invoices and contacts to customers.
20 votes -
Allow saved searches to be shared among users in a company
I'm the main user in my company and I have the most familiarity with Nimble of any other user. I'd like to create and save searches to share out with the team, so they don't have to create them from scratch. We should have the ability to publish searches to be public to other users, or make them private.
20 votes -
let team members edit deals
This seems like a pretty basic feature that people have asked for in the past. Why can't my teammates edit my deals, and vice versa? votes -
Show all contacts without a tag
I'd be nice to filter out all contacts without a tag so that we could easily add tags to those lacking them.
19 votes -
adjust the program where I can type in data immediately in the first input field (also in a pop-up). Now I have to select the field first.
When I want to type in data for a contact I first have to select a field before I can start typing. For example, when I want to add tags, I first have to select the inputfield before I can start typing.
Saves me lots of clicks when I could start typing immediately.Thank you!
19 votes -
Daily summary including all open tasks.
Please let us edit the daily summary mail, like including open tasks for the next four weeks instead of one or even all open tasks.
Thank you
19 votes -
Edit deal stage in deal 'dashboard'.
It would be nice to have the ability to change the deal stage in the main deal screen (or deal dashboard) via a drop-down menu.
18 votes -
Enable "Same as company address" option for contact
By Raja Selvam
I create a company. Now, when we add users, we have to again enter the address for each user. We should have an option of either fetching the company address by default when I mention the company name in the user page or have a small check box to say "Same as company address" so that the company address is copied to the individual user address feilds.
Same with User's work website that can be as same as his company.
18 votes -
Hotmail support - integration
It would be nice to have Live/Hotmail integration for contacts.
18 votesHi,
We’re not able to integrate with Hotmail because we only support IMAP email accounts and Hotmail is on POP3 protocol.
I’m really sorry because I know there are still a lot of Hotmail users out there, but this is a limitation that is out of our hands.
Best regards,
Skype contacts? Or am i just nieve, love your app, thanks so much!
Skype contacts?
love your app, thanks so much!18 votes -
18 votes
Give the ability to sync more than 90 days of email messages for contacts
I have emails related to contacts that are older than 90 days that I'd like to have for easy reference from Nimble. I suggest giving the users the option of syncing further back than 90 days.
18 votesUnder review for 2017
Remove tags from a subset of tagged contacts
Allow me to remove tags from contacts that exist as a subset of a larger tagged group.
For example, search for contacts tagged with "Twitter" and the tag "Los Angeles".
Allow me to remove the "Twitter" tag from all contacts that also have the "Los Angeles" tag.
18 votes -
Live Chat Integration with Customer data
Would love to be able to integrate Live Chat (such as zopim, ogg chat, snapengage or live chat) into Nimble to be able to keep track of conversations etc.
17 votesHi,
Thank you for submitting this feature request for live chat integrations with Nimble. We will review other platforms to partner with now that we have released our API and we will update this thread when we have more information to share.
Thank you for your feedback and support.
Best regards,
incorporate gmail's 'priority inbox' feature
incorporate gmail's 'priority inbox' feature
17 votes -
integration with google places/map
Like to see all of my contacts and companies on an interactive map, wouldn't you?
17 votes -
Add LinkedIn Group post integration in a simple all inclusive viewer.
It would be a great feature if there was LinkedIn Group post integration. When you add this feature, it would be extremely effective if you could consolidate all group posts on one page making it easy for the user to view all of their combined group posts. LinkedIn currently only allows you to view the posts of each group separately making it a tedious task for power users. Adding this feature would allow users to interact with more users, thus increasing their connections.
17 votesDue to the shutdown of the LinkedIin API for CRM systems, we will not be building a Group integration for LinkedIn.
If things change in the future, we will reconsider.
Best regards,
Improve contact import from email (batching, better scraping of info from signatures)
Importing contact info from emails is a nice feature, but currently very limited. In order to make it awesome, it needs the following:
Add an easy way to batch process emails which are not yet attached to contacts. I'd like a screen where I can see all the people I've received emails from or who were CCed on emails who are NOT yet contacts in Nimble, so I can check which ones I want to import.
Try to intelligently scrape information from a contact's signature, such as Full Name, address, phone number, etc. to add to the contact record.
17 votesHi Tim,
This is another great feature suggestion and we are putting it under review. We will share more information in the future when we have more to share.
Best regards,
-The Nimble Team
remove users without losing their messages
When you remove a user Nimble currently deletes all their messages from the system. This goes against the whole ethos of a CRM system - the idea is surely that the company maintains the relationship with the customer even when the individual user moves on.
"All messages and activities associated with this user will be permanently deleted."
We should be allowed to keep messages even when removing users so that other staff can carry on when the user leaves the organisation.
17 votesHi Toby,
Thank you for writing in and suggesting this feature. We are reviewing how we can implement this into Nimble and look forward to sharing more information about this feature in 2013.
Best regards,
The Nimble Team
full wysiwyg editor
I noticed that while we can do bolden etc, there is a lack of editing capabilities for those that aren't fluent in HTML within messages as well as the Signature input for Nimble. Im sure that we can benefit form the full text editor in all areas - including hyperlinks, bulletpoints and many of the other provided functions would be extremely helpful.
Thank you!
17 votesHi,
At this time, we don’t plan on building a text editor into Nimble that shows wsiwyg. I recommend using a free tool like to check on code and the resources at Simple HTML is not too difficult with a little bit of practice. I’m not an expert at all, and I’m able to get by.
- Don't see your idea?